# glxext.spec file # DON'T REMOVE PREVIOUS LINE!!! libspec depends on it! # # Copyright (c) 1991-2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 The Khronos Group, Inc. # # This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License Version # 2.0. For details, see http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ . # # $Revision: 12183 $ on $Date: 2010-08-06 02:53:05 -0700 (Fri, 06 Aug 2010) $ required-props: param: retval retained glxflags: client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode glxvendorglx: * vectorequiv: * category: VERSION_1_3 VERSION_1_4 ARB_get_proc_address ARB_multisample ARB_fbconfig_float EXT_import_context SGIX_dmbuffer SGIX_fbconfig SGIX_pbuffer SGIX_swap_barrier SGIX_swap_group SGIX_video_resize SGIX_video_source SGI_cushion SGI_make_current_read SGI_swap_control SGI_video_sync SUN_get_transparent_index MESA_agp_offset MESA_copy_sub_buffer MESA_pixmap_colormap MESA_release_buffers MESA_set_3dfx_mode SGIX_visual_select_group OML_sync_control SGIX_hyperpipe EXT_texture_from_pixmap NV_swap_group NV_video_output NV_present_video ARB_create_context NV_video_capture NV_copy_image EXT_swap_control ARB_framebuffer_sRGB glxopcode: * # # Boilerplate to define types used by some extensions. This is done # up front, since it involves some complexities in protecting # the declarations whether or not the -protect flag is given to # the generator scripts. # passthru: #ifndef GLX_ARB_get_proc_address passthru: typedef void (*__GLXextFuncPtr)(void); passthru: #endif passthru: passthru: #ifndef GLX_SGIX_video_source passthru: typedef XID GLXVideoSourceSGIX; passthru: #endif passthru: passthru: #ifndef GLX_SGIX_fbconfig passthru: typedef XID GLXFBConfigIDSGIX; passthru: typedef struct __GLXFBConfigRec *GLXFBConfigSGIX; passthru: #endif passthru: passthru: #ifndef GLX_SGIX_pbuffer passthru: typedef XID GLXPbufferSGIX; passthru: typedef struct { passthru: int type; passthru: unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */ passthru: Bool send_event; /* true if this came for SendEvent request */ passthru: Display *display; /* display the event was read from */ passthru: GLXDrawable drawable; /* i.d. of Drawable */ passthru: int event_type; /* GLX_DAMAGED_SGIX or GLX_SAVED_SGIX */ passthru: int draw_type; /* GLX_WINDOW_SGIX or GLX_PBUFFER_SGIX */ passthru: unsigned int mask; /* mask indicating which buffers are affected*/ passthru: int x, y; passthru: int width, height; passthru: int count; /* if nonzero, at least this many more */ passthru: } GLXBufferClobberEventSGIX; passthru: #endif passthru: passthru: #ifndef GLX_NV_video_output passthru: typedef unsigned int GLXVideoDeviceNV; passthru: #endif passthru: passthru: #ifndef GLX_NV_video_capture passthru: typedef XID GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV; passthru: #endif passthru: passthru: #ifndef GLEXT_64_TYPES_DEFINED passthru: /* This code block is duplicated in glext.h, so must be protected */ passthru: #define GLEXT_64_TYPES_DEFINED passthru: /* Define int32_t, int64_t, and uint64_t types for UST/MSC */ passthru: /* (as used in the GLX_OML_sync_control extension). */ passthru: #if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L passthru: #include passthru: #elif defined(__sun__) || defined(__digital__) passthru: #include passthru: #if defined(__STDC__) passthru: #if defined(__arch64__) || defined(_LP64) passthru: typedef long int int64_t; passthru: typedef unsigned long int uint64_t; passthru: #else passthru: typedef long long int int64_t; passthru: typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t; passthru: #endif /* __arch64__ */ passthru: #endif /* __STDC__ */ passthru: #elif defined( __VMS ) || defined(__sgi) passthru: #include passthru: #elif defined(__SCO__) || defined(__USLC__) passthru: #include passthru: #elif defined(__UNIXOS2__) || defined(__SOL64__) passthru: typedef long int int32_t; passthru: typedef long long int int64_t; passthru: typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t; passthru: #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__) passthru: #include passthru: #elif defined(_WIN32) passthru: typedef __int32 int32_t; passthru: typedef __int64 int64_t; passthru: typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; passthru: #else passthru: #include /* Fallback option */ passthru: #endif passthru: #endif passthru: ############################################################################### # # GLX 1.3 commands # ############################################################################### GetFBConfigs(dpy, screen, nelements) return GLXFBConfigPointer param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param nelements int out reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 21 ChooseFBConfig(dpy, screen, attrib_list, nelements) return GLXFBConfigPointer param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param attrib_list int in reference param nelements int out reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode GetFBConfigAttrib(dpy, config, attribute, value) return int param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value param attribute int in value param value int out reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode GetVisualFromFBConfig(dpy, config) return XVisualInfoPointer param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode CreateWindow(dpy, config, win, attrib_list) return GLXWindow param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value param win Window in value param attrib_list int in reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 31 DestroyWindow(dpy, win) return void param dpy Display out reference param win GLXWindow in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 32 CreatePixmap(dpy, config, pixmap, attrib_list) return GLXPixmap param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value param pixmap Pixmap in value param attrib_list int in reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 22 DestroyPixmap(dpy, pixmap) return void param dpy Display out reference param pixmap GLXPixmap in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 23 CreatePbuffer(dpy, config, attrib_list) return GLXPbuffer param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value param attrib_list int in reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 27 DestroyPbuffer(dpy, pbuf) return void param dpy Display out reference param pbuf GLXPbuffer in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 28 # glXGetDrawableAttributes -> GLX opcode 29 # glXChangeDrawableAttributes -> GLX opcode 30 # Uses glXGetDrawableAttributes protocol QueryDrawable(dpy, draw, attribute, value) return void param dpy Display out reference param draw GLXDrawable in value param attribute int in value param value uint out reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode CreateNewContext(dpy, config, render_type, share_list, direct) return GLXContext param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value param render_type int in value param share_list GLXContext in value param direct Bool in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 24 MakeContextCurrent(dpy, draw, read, ctx) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param draw GLXDrawable in value param read GLXDrawable in value param ctx GLXContext in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 26 GetCurrentReadDrawable() return GLXDrawable category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode GetCurrentDisplay() return DisplayPointer category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode QueryContext(dpy, ctx, attribute, value) return int param dpy Display out reference param ctx GLXContext in value param attribute int in value param value int out reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxopcode 25 # Uses glXChangeDrawableAttributes protocol SelectEvent(dpy, draw, event_mask) return void param dpy Display out reference param draw GLXDrawable in value param event_mask ulong in value category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode server-handcode # Uses glXGetDrawableAttributes protocol GetSelectedEvent(dpy, draw, event_mask) return void param dpy Display out reference param draw GLXDrawable in value param event_mask ulong out reference category VERSION_1_3 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # GLX 1.4 commands # ############################################################################### GetProcAddress(procName) return FunctionPointer param procName GLubyte in reference category VERSION_1_4 glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #2 # ARB_get_proc_address commands # @promoted to core in GLX 1.4, but there's no provision for aliasing # @in GLX spec files, yet # ############################################################################### GetProcAddressARB(procName) return FunctionPointer param procName GLubyte in reference category ARB_get_proc_address glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #5 # ARB_multisample commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_multisample ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #39 # ARB_fbconfig_float commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_fbconfig_float ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #46 # ARB_framebuffer_sRGB commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #56 # ARB_create_context commands # ############################################################################### CreateContextAttribsARB(dpy, config, share_context, direct, attrib_list) return GLXContext param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfig in value param share_context GLXContext in value param direct Bool in value param attrib_list int in reference category ARB_create_context glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode glxopcode 34 ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #75 # ARB_create_context_profile commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_create_context_profile ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #101 # ARB_create_context_robustness commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_create_context_robustness ############################################################################### # # Extension #25 # SGIS_multisample commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: SGIS_multisample ############################################################################### # # Extension #28 # EXT_visual_info commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_visual_info ############################################################################### # # Extension #40 # SGI_swap_control commands # ############################################################################### SwapIntervalSGI(interval) return int param interval int in value category SGI_swap_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65536 ############################################################################### # # Extension #41 # SGI_video_sync commands # ############################################################################### GetVideoSyncSGI(count) return int param count uint out reference category SGI_video_sync glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode WaitVideoSyncSGI(divisor, remainder, count) return int param divisor int in value param remainder int in value param count uint out reference category SGI_video_sync glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #42 # SGI_make_current_read commands # ############################################################################### MakeCurrentReadSGI(dpy, draw, read, ctx) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param draw GLXDrawable in value param read GLXDrawable in value param ctx GLXContext in value category SGI_make_current_read glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65537 GetCurrentReadDrawableSGI() return GLXDrawable category SGI_make_current_read glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #43 # SGIX_video_source commands # ############################################################################### newcategory: SGIX_video_source passthru: #ifdef _VL_H CreateGLXVideoSourceSGIX(display, screen, server, path, nodeClass, drainNode) return GLXVideoSourceSGIX param display Display out reference param screen int in value param server VLServer in value param path VLPath in value param nodeClass int in value param drainNode VLNode in value category SGIX_video_source glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65538 DestroyGLXVideoSourceSGIX(dpy, glxvideosource) return void param dpy Display out reference param glxvideosource GLXVideoSourceSGIX in value category SGIX_video_source glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65539 passend: #endif /* _VL_H */ endcategory: ############################################################################### # # Extension #44 # EXT_visual_rating commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_visual_rating ############################################################################### # # Extension #47 # EXT_import_context commands # ############################################################################### GetCurrentDisplayEXT() return DisplayPointer category EXT_import_context glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode QueryContextInfoEXT(dpy, context, attribute, value) return int param dpy Display out reference param context GLXContext in value param attribute int in value param value int out reference category EXT_import_context glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 1024 # 'constGLXContext' is a hack; the extension specification and glx.h # should be fixed instead. GetContextIDEXT(context) return GLXContextID param context constGLXContext in value category EXT_import_context glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ImportContextEXT(dpy, contextID) return GLXContext param dpy Display out reference param contextID GLXContextID in value category EXT_import_context glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode FreeContextEXT(dpy, context) return void param dpy Display out reference param context GLXContext in value category EXT_import_context glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #49 # SGIX_fbconfig commands # ############################################################################### # GetFBConfigsSGIX protocol -> VendorPrivate opcode 65540 GetFBConfigAttribSGIX(dpy, config, attribute, value) return int param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfigSGIX in value param attribute int in value param value int out reference category SGIX_fbconfig glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ChooseFBConfigSGIX(dpy, screen, attrib_list, nelements) return GLXFBConfigSGIXPointer param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param attrib_list int out reference param nelements int out reference category SGIX_fbconfig glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode CreateGLXPixmapWithConfigSGIX(dpy, config, pixmap) return GLXPixmap param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfigSGIX in value param pixmap Pixmap in value category SGIX_fbconfig glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65542 CreateContextWithConfigSGIX(dpy, config, render_type, share_list, direct) return GLXContext param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfigSGIX in value param render_type int in value param share_list GLXContext in value param direct Bool in value category SGIX_fbconfig glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65541 GetVisualFromFBConfigSGIX(dpy, config) return XVisualInfoPointer param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfigSGIX in value category SGIX_fbconfig glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode GetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX(dpy, vis) return GLXFBConfigSGIX param dpy Display out reference param vis XVisualInfo out reference category SGIX_fbconfig glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #50 # SGIX_pbuffer commands # ############################################################################### # ChangeDrawableAttributesSGIX protocol -> VendorPrivate opcode 65545 # GetDrawableAttributesSGIX protocol -> VendorPrivate opcode 65546 CreateGLXPbufferSGIX(dpy, config, width, height, attrib_list) return GLXPbufferSGIX param dpy Display out reference param config GLXFBConfigSGIX in value param width uint in value param height uint in value param attrib_list int out reference category SGIX_pbuffer glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65543 DestroyGLXPbufferSGIX(dpy, pbuf) return void param dpy Display out reference param pbuf GLXPbufferSGIX in value category SGIX_pbuffer glxflags client-handcode glxvendorglx 65544 QueryGLXPbufferSGIX(dpy, pbuf, attribute, value) return int param dpy Display out reference param pbuf GLXPbufferSGIX in value param attribute int in value param value uint out reference category SGIX_pbuffer SelectEventSGIX(dpy, drawable, mask) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param mask ulong in value category SGIX_pbuffer GetSelectedEventSGIX(dpy, drawable, mask) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param mask ulong out reference category SGIX_pbuffer ############################################################################### # # Extension #62 # SGI_cushion commands # ############################################################################### CushionSGI(dpy, window, cushion) return void param dpy Display out reference param window Window in value param cushion float in value category SGI_cushion ############################################################################### # # Extension #83 # SGIX_video_resize commands # ############################################################################### BindChannelToWindowSGIX(display, screen, channel, window) return int param display Display out reference param screen int in value param channel int in value param window Window in value category SGIX_video_resize ChannelRectSGIX(display, screen, channel, x, y, w, h) return int param display Display out reference param screen int in value param channel int in value param x int in value param y int in value param w int in value param h int in value category SGIX_video_resize QueryChannelRectSGIX(display, screen, channel, dx, dy, dw, dh) return int param display Display out reference param screen int in value param channel int in value param dx int out reference param dy int out reference param dw int out reference param dh int out reference category SGIX_video_resize QueryChannelDeltasSGIX(display, screen, channel, x, y, w, h) return int param display Display out reference param screen int in value param channel int in value param x int out reference param y int out reference param w int out reference param h int out reference category SGIX_video_resize # @@@ Not in man page - this entry point may not be shipping? ChannelRectSyncSGIX(display, screen, channel, synctype) return int param display Display out reference param screen int in value param channel int in value param synctype GLenum in value category SGIX_video_resize ############################################################################### # # Extension #86 # SGIX_dmbuffer commands # ############################################################################### newcategory: SGIX_dmbuffer passthru: #ifdef _DM_BUFFER_H_ AssociateDMPbufferSGIX(dpy, pbuffer, params, dmbuffer) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param pbuffer GLXPbufferSGIX in value param params DMparams out reference param dmbuffer DMbuffer in value category SGIX_dmbuffer passend: #endif /* _DM_BUFFER_H_ */ endcategory: ############################################################################### # # Extension #91 # SGIX_swap_group commands # ############################################################################### JoinSwapGroupSGIX(dpy, drawable, member) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param member GLXDrawable in value category SGIX_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65547 ############################################################################### # # Extension #92 # SGIX_swap_barrier commands # ############################################################################### BindSwapBarrierSGIX(dpy, drawable, barrier) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param barrier int in value category SGIX_swap_barrier glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65548 QueryMaxSwapBarriersSGIX(dpy, screen, max) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param max int out reference category SGIX_swap_barrier glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 65549 ############################################################################### # # Extension #183 # SUN_get_transparent_index commands # ############################################################################### GetTransparentIndexSUN(dpy, overlay, underlay, pTransparentIndex) return Status param dpy Display out reference param overlay Window in value param underlay Window in value param pTransparentIndex long out reference category SUN_get_transparent_index ############################################################################### # # Extension #215 # MESA_copy_sub_buffer commands # ############################################################################### CopySubBufferMESA(dpy, drawable, x, y, width, height) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param x int in value param y int in value param width int in value param height int in value category MESA_copy_sub_buffer glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #216 # MESA_pixmap_colormap commands # ############################################################################### CreateGLXPixmapMESA(dpy, visual, pixmap, cmap) return GLXPixmap param dpy Display out reference param visual XVisualInfo out reference param pixmap Pixmap in value param cmap Colormap in value category MESA_pixmap_colormap glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #217 # MESA_release_buffers commands # ############################################################################### ReleaseBuffersMESA(dpy, drawable) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value category MESA_release_buffers glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #218 # MESA_set_3dfx_mode commands # ############################################################################### # Brian's spec has this as returning 'GLboolean' and taking 'GLint mode' Set3DfxModeMESA(mode) return Bool param mode int in value category MESA_set_3dfx_mode glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #234 # SGIX_visual_select_group commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: SGIX_visual_select_group ############################################################################### # # Extension #237 # OML_swap_method commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: OML_swap_method ############################################################################### # # Extension #238 # OML_sync_control commands # ############################################################################### GetSyncValuesOML(dpy, drawable, ust, msc, sbc) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param ust int64_t out reference param msc int64_t out reference param sbc int64_t out reference category OML_sync_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode GetMscRateOML(dpy, drawable, numerator, denominator) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param numerator int32_t out reference param denominator int32_t out reference category OML_sync_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode SwapBuffersMscOML(dpy, drawable, target_msc, divisor, remainder) return int64_t param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param target_msc int64_t in value param divisor int64_t in value param remainder int64_t in value category OML_sync_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode WaitForMscOML(dpy, drawable, target_msc, divisor, remainder, ust, msc, sbc) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param target_msc int64_t in value param divisor int64_t in value param remainder int64_t in value param ust int64_t out reference param msc int64_t out reference param sbc int64_t out reference category OML_sync_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode WaitForSbcOML(dpy, drawable, target_sbc, ust, msc, sbc) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param target_sbc int64_t in value param ust int64_t out reference param msc int64_t out reference param sbc int64_t out reference category OML_sync_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #281 # NV_float_buffer commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: NV_float_buffer ############################################################################### # # Extension #307 # SGIX_hyperpipe commands # ############################################################################### newcategory: SGIX_hyperpipe passthru: passthru: typedef struct { passthru: char pipeName[GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX]; passthru: int networkId; passthru: } GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX; passthru: passthru: typedef struct { passthru: char pipeName[GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX]; passthru: int channel; passthru: unsigned int passthru: participationType; passthru: int timeSlice; passthru: } GLXHyperpipeConfigSGIX; passthru: passthru: typedef struct { passthru: char pipeName[GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX]; passthru: int srcXOrigin, srcYOrigin, srcWidth, srcHeight; passthru: int destXOrigin, destYOrigin, destWidth, destHeight; passthru: } GLXPipeRect; passthru: passthru: typedef struct { passthru: char pipeName[GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX]; passthru: int XOrigin, YOrigin, maxHeight, maxWidth; passthru: } GLXPipeRectLimits; passthru: QueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX(dpy, npipes) return GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIXPointer param dpy Display out reference param npipes int out reference glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx 65550 HyperpipeConfigSGIX(dpy, networkId, npipes, cfg, hpId) return int param dpy Display out reference param networkId int in value param npipes int in value param cfg GLXHyperpipeConfigSGIX out array [COMPSIZE(npipes)] param hpId int out reference glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx 65552 QueryHyperpipeConfigSGIX(dpy, hpId, npipes) return GLXHyperpipeConfigSGIXPointer param dpy Display out reference param hpId int in value param npipes int out reference glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx 65551 DestroyHyperpipeConfigSGIX(dpy, hpId) return int param dpy Display out reference param hpId int in value glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx 65553 BindHyperpipeSGIX(dpy, hpId) return int param dpy Display out reference param hpId int in value glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx ??? QueryHyperpipeBestAttribSGIX(dpy, timeSlice, attrib, size, attribList, returnAttribList) return int param dpy Display out reference param timeSlice int in value param attrib int in value param size int in value param attribList void out array [COMPSIZE(size)] param returnAttribList void out array [COMPSIZE(size)] glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx ??? HyperpipeAttribSGIX(dpy, timeSlice, attrib, size, attribList) return int param dpy Display out reference param timeSlice int in value param attrib int in value param size int in value param attribList void out array [COMPSIZE(size)] glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx ??? QueryHyperpipeAttribSGIX(dpy, timeSlice, attrib, size, returnAttribList) return int param dpy Display out reference param timeSlice int in value param attrib int in value param size int in value param returnAttribList void out array [COMPSIZE(size)] glxflags client-handcode server-handcode category SGIX_hyperpipe glxvendorglx ??? ############################################################################### # # Extension #308 # MESA_agp_offset commands # ############################################################################### GetAGPOffsetMESA(pointer) return uint param pointer void in reference glxflags client-handcode client-intercept server-handcode category MESA_agp_offset ############################################################################### # # Extension #328 # EXT_fbconfig_packed_float commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_fbconfig_packed_float ############################################################################### # # Extension #337 # EXT_framebuffer_sRGB commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_framebuffer_sRGB ############################################################################### # # Extension #344 # EXT_texture_from_pixmap commands # ############################################################################### BindTexImageEXT(dpy, drawable, buffer, attrib_list) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param buffer int in value param attrib_list int in reference category EXT_texture_from_pixmap glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 1330 ReleaseTexImageEXT(dpy, drawable, buffer) return void param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param buffer int in value category EXT_texture_from_pixmap glxflags client-handcode server-handcode glxvendorglx 1331 ############################################################################### # # Extension #347 # NV_present_video commands # ############################################################################### EnumerateVideoDevicesNV(dpy, screen, nelements) return uintPointer param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param nelements int out reference category NV_present_video glxflags client-handcode server-handcode BindVideoDeviceNV(dpy, video_slot, video_device, attrib_list) return int param dpy Display out reference param video_slot uint in value param video_device uint in value param attrib_list int in reference category NV_present_video glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #348 # NV_video_output commands # ############################################################################### GetVideoDeviceNV(dpy, screen, numVideoDevices, pVideoDevice) return int param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param numVideoDevices int in value param pVideoDevice GLXVideoDeviceNV out array [COMPSIZE(numVideoDevices)] category NV_video_output glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ReleaseVideoDeviceNV(dpy, screen, VideoDevice) return int param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param VideoDevice GLXVideoDeviceNV in value category NV_video_output glxflags client-handcode server-handcode BindVideoImageNV(dpy, VideoDevice, pbuf, iVideoBuffer) return int param dpy Display out reference param VideoDevice GLXVideoDeviceNV in value param pbuf GLXPbuffer in value param iVideoBuffer int in value category NV_video_output glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ReleaseVideoImageNV(dpy, pbuf) return int param dpy Display out reference param pbuf GLXPbuffer in value category NV_video_output glxflags client-handcode server-handcode SendPbufferToVideoNV(dpy, pbuf, iBufferType, pulCounterPbuffer, bBlock) return int param dpy Display out reference param pbuf GLXPbuffer in value param iBufferType int in value param pulCounterPbuffer ulong out reference param bBlock GLboolean in value category NV_video_output glxflags client-handcode server-handcode GetVideoInfoNV(dpy, screen, VideoDevice, pulCounterOutputPbuffer, pulCounterOutputVideo) return int param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param VideoDevice GLXVideoDeviceNV in value param pulCounterOutputPbuffer ulong out reference param pulCounterOutputVideo ulong out reference category NV_video_output glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #350 # NV_swap_group commands # ############################################################################### JoinSwapGroupNV(dpy, drawable, group) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param group GLuint in value category NV_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode BindSwapBarrierNV(dpy, group, barrier) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param group GLuint in value param barrier GLuint in value category NV_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode QuerySwapGroupNV(dpy, drawable, group, barrier) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param group GLuint out reference param barrier GLuint out reference category NV_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode QueryMaxSwapGroupsNV(dpy, screen, maxGroups, maxBarriers) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param maxGroups GLuint out reference param maxBarriers GLuint out reference category NV_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode QueryFrameCountNV(dpy, screen, count) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param count GLuint out reference category NV_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ResetFrameCountNV(dpy, screen) return Bool param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value category NV_swap_group glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #374 # NV_video_capture commands # ############################################################################### BindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, video_capture_slot, device) return int param dpy Display out reference param video_capture_slot uint in value param device GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV in value category NV_video_capture glxflags client-handcode server-handcode EnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(dpy, screen, nelements) return GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNVPointer param dpy Display out reference param screen int in value param nelements int out reference category NV_video_capture glxflags client-handcode server-handcode LockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, device) return void param dpy Display out reference param device GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV in value category NV_video_capture glxflags client-handcode server-handcode QueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, device, attribute, value) return int param dpy Display out reference param device GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV in value param attribute int in value param value int out array [COMPSIZE(attribute)] category NV_video_capture glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, device) return void param dpy Display out reference param device GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV in value category NV_video_capture glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #375 # EXT_swap_control commands # ############################################################################### SwapIntervalEXT(dpy, drawable, interval) return int param dpy Display out reference param drawable GLXDrawable in value param interval int in value category EXT_swap_control glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #376 # NV_copy_image commands # ############################################################################### CopyImageSubDataNV(dpy, srcCtx, srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, dstCtx, dstName, dstTarget, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, width, height, depth) return void param dpy Display out reference param srcCtx GLXContext in value param srcName GLuint in value param srcTarget GLenum in value param srcLevel GLint in value param srcX GLint in value param srcY GLint in value param srcZ GLint in value param dstCtx GLXContext in value param dstName GLuint in value param dstTarget GLenum in value param dstLevel GLint in value param dstX GLint in value param dstY GLint in value param dstZ GLint in value param width GLsizei in value param height GLsizei in value param depth GLsizei in value category NV_copy_image glxflags client-handcode server-handcode ############################################################################### # # Extension #384 # INTEL_swap_event commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: INTEL_swap_event ############################################################################### # # Extension #393 # NV_multisample_coverage commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: NV_multisample_coverage ############################################################################### # # Extension #399 # AMD_gpu_association commands # ############################################################################### # These are a weird mishmash of X and Windows types - are they correct? # Leave out of glxext.h for the time being. #@ UINT glXGetGPUIDsAMD(UINT maxCount, UINT *ids); #@ INT glXGetGPUInfoAMD(UINT id, INT property, GLenum dataType, #@ UINT size, void *data) #@ UINT glXGetContextGPUIDAMD(GLXContext ctx); #@ HGLRC glXCreateAssociatedContextAMD(UINT id, GLXContext share_list); #@ HGLRC glXCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(UINT id, GLXContext share_context, #@ const int *attribList); #@ BOOL glXDeleteAssociatedContextAMD(GLXContext ctx); #@ BOOL glXMakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD(GLXContext ctx); #@ HGLRC glXGetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD(void); #@ VOID glXBlitContextFramebufferAMD(GLXContext dstCtx, GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, #@ GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, #@ GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, #@ GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter); #@ glXGetGPUIDsAMD(maxCount, ids) #@ return UINT #@ param maxCount UINT in value #@ param ids UINT in array [???] #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXGetGPUInfoAMD(id, property, dataType, size, data) #@ return INT #@ param id UINT in value #@ param property INT in value #@ param dataType GLenum in value #@ param size UINT in value #@ param data void in array [???] #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXGetContextGPUIDAMD(ctx) #@ return UINT #@ param ctx GLXContext in value #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXCreateAssociatedContextAMD(id, share_list) #@ return HGLRC #@ param id UINT in value #@ param share_list GLXContext in value #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(id, share_context, attribList) #@ return HGLRC #@ param id UINT in value #@ param share_context GLXContext in value #@ param attribList Int32 in array [???] #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXDeleteAssociatedContextAMD(ctx) #@ return BOOL #@ param ctx GLXContext in value #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXMakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD(ctx) #@ return BOOL #@ param ctx GLXContext in value #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXGetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD() #@ return HGLRC #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ? #@ #@ glXBlitContextFramebufferAMD(dstCtx, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter) #@ return VOID #@ param dstCtx GLXContext in value #@ param srcX0 GLint in value #@ param srcY0 GLint in value #@ param srcX1 GLint in value #@ param srcY1 GLint in value #@ param dstX0 GLint in value #@ param dstY0 GLint in value #@ param dstX1 GLint in value #@ param dstY1 GLint in value #@ param mask GLbitfield in value #@ param filter GLenum in value #@ category AMD_gpu_association #@ version 4.1 #@ extension #@ glxropcode ? #@ glxflags ignore #@ offset ?