ruby: Fix RubySystem warm-up and cool-down scope
The processes of warming up and cooling down Ruby caches are simulation-wide
processes, not just RubySystem instance-specific processes. Thus, the warm-up
and cool-down variables should be globally visible to any Ruby components
participating in either process. Make these variables static members and track
the warm-up and cool-down processes as appropriate.
This patch also has two side benefits:
1) It removes references to the RubySystem g_system_ptr, which are problematic
for allowing multiple RubySystem instances in a single simulation. Warmup and
cooldown variables being static (global) reduces the need for instance-specific
dereferences through the RubySystem.
2) From the AbstractController, it removes local RubySystem pointers, which are
used inconsistently with other uses of the RubySystem: 11 other uses reference
the RubySystem with the g_system_ptr. Only sequencers have local pointers.