i965: Enable ARB_transform_feedback2 on Sandybridge.
The only feature over and above ES 3.0 is DrawTransformFeedback().
We already have to do the whole SOL_NUM_PRIMS_WRITTEN counter dance in
order to compute the SVBI value for ResumeTransformFeedback(), at which
point our existing GetTransformFeedbackVertexCount() implementation will
do the trick (though with a stall to CPU map the buffer).
Someday, we could probably implement DrawTransformFeedback() more
efficiently, using the "Load Internal Vertex Count" feature of
3DSTATE_SVB_INDEX and the 3DPRIMITIVE indirect vertex count bit.
Rumor has it this allows people to use WebGL 2.0 on Sandybridge.
Note that we don't need pipelined register writes like Gen7+ because
we use the 3DSTATE_SVB_INDEX command rather than MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM.
Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=99842
Signed-off-by: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth@whitecape.org>
Reviewed-by: Iago Toral Quiroga <itoral@igalia.com>