gdb/fortran: add support for accessing fields of extended types
Fortran 2003 supports type extension. This patch allows access
to inherited members by using their fully qualified name as described
in the Fortran standard.
In doing so the patch also fixes a bug in GDB when trying to access the
members of a base class in a derived class via the derived class' base
class member.
This patch fixes PR22497 and PR26373 on GDB side.
Using the example Fortran program from PR22497
program mvce
implicit none
type :: my_type
integer :: my_int
end type my_type
type, extends(my_type) :: extended_type
end type extended_type
type(my_type) :: foo
type(extended_type) :: bar
foo%my_int = 0
bar%my_int = 1
print*, foo, bar
end program mvce
and running this with GDB and setting a BP at 17:
(gdb) p bar%my_type
A syntax error in expression, near `my_type'.
(gdb) p bar%my_int
There is no member named my_int.
(gdb) p bar%my_type%my_int
A syntax error in expression, near `my_type%my_int'.
(gdb) p bar
$1 = ( my_type = ( my_int = 1 ) )
(gdb) p bar%my_type
$1 = ( my_int = 1 )
(gdb) p bar%my_int
$2 = 1 # this line requires DW_TAG_inheritance to work
(gdb) p bar%my_type%my_int
$3 = 1
(gdb) p bar
$4 = ( my_type = ( my_int = 1 ) )
In the above example "p bar%my_int" requires the compiler to emit
information about the inheritance relationship between extended_type
and my_type which gfortran and flang currently do not de. The
respective issue gcc/49475 has been put as kfail.
Co-authored-by: Nils-Christian Kempke <>