glsl/linker: Check the invariance of built-in special variables
From Section 4.6.4 (Invariance and Linkage) of the GLSL ES 1.0 specification
"The invariance of varyings that are declared in both the vertex and
fragment shaders must match. For the built-in special variables,
gl_FragCoord can only be declared invariant if and only if
gl_Position is declared invariant. Similarly gl_PointCoord can only
be declared invariant if and only if gl_PointSize is declared
invariant. It is an error to declare gl_FrontFacing as invariant.
The invariance of gl_FrontFacing is the same as the invariance of
* glsl-pcoord-invariant.shader_test
* glsl-fcoord-invariant.shader_test
* glsl-fface-invariant.shader_test
Signed-off-by: Vadym Shovkoplias <>
Reviewed-by: Tapani Pälli <>