arch-riscv,isa: Fix for compressed jump (c_j) imm
c_j(al) has a special format, called CJ.
The jump offset format is instbits[12:2] --> offset[11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5]
Currently in decoder.isa, c_j format is JOp, the imm and branchTarget are incorrect
In the execute section (decoder.isa:228), the imm fields is ignored and the offset is calculated correctlly.
As a result, we get decoder flush for each c_j instance
I've added CJOp format in compressed.isa, and use it in execute section.
In addition, c_j is mappped to jal zero, cj_imm, and actually is neither indirect control nor a function call
I fixed the flags accordently.
I'll fix all IsRet, IsCall and IsIndirectControl flags for rest of (c_)jal(r) in my next commit.
I ran coremark -O0 before my fix and I got 37.7% branch miss-rate, after the fix the branch miss-rate is <13%
Change-Id: I608d5894a78a1ebefe36f21e21aaea68b42bccfc
Maintainer: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Reviewed-by: Alec Roelke <>