Improvements and fixes in cegqi arithmetic (#2247)
This includes several improvements for cegqi with arithmetic:
- Randomly choose either lower or upper bounds instead of always using lower bounds (this is similar to cegqi+BV),
- Equalities are handled by processAssertions,
- Resort to *only* model values at full effort instead of trying to mix model values/bounds (this is also similar to cegqi+BV),
- cegqi+arithmetic does not try multiple instantiations unless the flag cbqiMultiInst is set. This makes it so that ceg_instantiator does not have exponential behavior when the strategy is non-monotonic.
It also includes a core fix to computing what bound is optimal based on an ordering that incorporates virtual terms. Previously, we would consider, e.g.:
`a+b*delta > c+d*delta if a>=c and b>=d`
Whereas the correct check is lexicographic:
`a+b*delta > c+d*delta if a>c or a=c and b>d`
This means e.g. 2+(-1)*delta > 3 was previously wrongly inferred.
This is part of merging, which is +3-0 on SMTLIB BV and +12-9 on SMTLIB LIA+LRA+NRA+NIA.