Minor fixes for partial quantifier elimination. (#1147)
This forces "counterexample lemmas" (the formula B => ~phi[e] on page 23 of http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~ajreynol/fmsd17-instla.pdf) to be added during TheoryQuantifiers::preRegisterTerm instead of at full effort check. This is required to ensure that CVC4's partial quantifier elimination algorithm produces correct results.
Some background:
"get-qe" and "get-qe-disjunct" are commands in the SMT2 parser. Here is how they can be used:
[assertions A]
(get-qe (exists X F))
returns a ground formula F' such that A ^ F' and A ^ (exists X F) are equivalent.
The command "get-qe-disjunct" provides an interface for doing an incremental version of "get-qe".
[assertions A]
(get-qe-disjunct (exists X F))
returns a ground formula F1' such that A ^ F' implies A ^ (exists X F). It moreover has the property that if you call:
[assertions A]
(assert F1')
(get-qe-disjunct (exists X F))
this will give you a formula F2' where eventually:
[assertions A]
(assert (not (or F1' ... Fn')))
(get-qe-disjunct (exists X F))
will either return "true" or "false", for some finite n.
Here is an example that failed before this commit:
(set-logic LIA)
(declare-fun a () Int)
(declare-fun b () Int)
(declare-fun c () Int)
(declare-fun d () Int)
(assert (or (not (>= (+ a (* (- 1) b)) 1)) (not (>= (+ c (* (- 1) d)) 0))))
(get-qe-disjunct (exists ((x Int)) (and (> a b) (> c x) (> d x))))
This should return:
(not (or (not (>= (+ a (* (- 1) b)) 1)) (>= (+ c (* (- 1) d)) 1)))
Previously it was returning:
This is because the cbqi algorithm needs to assume the negation of the quantified formula we are doing qe on before it makes any decision.
The get-qe-partial feature is being requested by Cesare and Daniel Larraz for Kind2.
This improves our performance on quantified LIA/LRA:
see CVC4-092617-2-fixQePartial