+# elftools tests
+# Seva Alekseyev (sevaa@sprynet.com)
+# This code is in the public domain
+import unittest
+import os
+from elftools.dwarf.locationlists import LocationListsPair, LocationParser
+from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
+class TestLocListsPair(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_llpair(self):
+ path = os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests',
+ 'dwarf_llpair.elf')
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ elffile = ELFFile(f)
+ dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info(follow_links=False)
+ # This binary has both V4- loclists and V5+ loclists
+ self.assertTrue(dwarfinfo.debug_loc_sec and dwarfinfo.debug_loclists_sec)
+ # On this binary, it's a pair object
+ llp = dwarfinfo.location_lists()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(llp, LocationListsPair))
+ locparser = LocationParser(llp)
+ CUs = list(dwarfinfo.iter_CUs())
+ # The first CU is the v5 one
+ # Just in case, make sure we can hit a loclist in a V5 section
+ CU = CUs[0]
+ self.assertTrue(CU.header.version == 5)
+ # DW_TAG_variable for i inside b()
+ die = next(die for die in CU.iter_DIEs() if die.offset == 0x333)
+ ll = locparser.parse_from_attribute(die.attributes['DW_AT_location'], CU.header.version, die=die)
+ self.assertTrue(len(ll) == 8)
+ # The second CU is the V2 one
+ # Now hit a loclist in a V4- sectoin
+ # This would fail before 11/15/2023
+ CU = CUs[1]
+ self.assertTrue(CU.header.version == 2)
+ # DW_TAG_variable for i inside a()
+ die = next(die for die in CU.iter_DIEs() if die.offset == 0x796)
+ ll = locparser.parse_from_attribute(die.attributes['DW_AT_location'], CU.header.version, die=die)
+ self.assertTrue(len(ll) == 7)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
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