+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-import argparse
-import io
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import struct
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from textwrap import dedent
-class ShaderCompileError(RuntimeError):
- def __init__(self):
- super(ShaderCompileError, self).__init__('Compile error')
-class Shader:
- def __init__(self, stage):
- self.stream = io.StringIO()
- self.stage = stage
- self.dwords = None
- def add_text(self, s):
- self.stream.write(s)
- def finish_text(self, line):
- self.line = line
- def glsl_source(self):
- return dedent(self.stream.getvalue())
- def __run_glslc(self, extra_args=[]):
- stage_flag = '-fshader-stage='
- if self.stage == 'VERTEX':
- stage_flag += 'vertex'
- elif self.stage == 'TESS_CONTROL':
- stage_flag += 'tesscontrol'
- elif self.stage == 'TESS_EVALUATION':
- stage_flag += 'tesseval'
- elif self.stage == 'GEOMETRY':
- stage_flag += 'geometry'
- elif self.stage == 'FRAGMENT':
- stage_flag += 'fragment'
- elif self.stage == 'COMPUTE':
- stage_flag += 'compute'
- else:
- assert False
- with subprocess.Popen([glslc] + extra_args +
- [stage_flag, '-std=430core', '-o', '-', '-'],
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
- stdin = subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
- proc.stdin.write(self.glsl_source().encode('utf-8'))
- out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=30)
- if proc.returncode != 0:
- raise ShaderCompileError()
- return out
- def compile(self):
- def dwords(f):
- while True:
- dword_str = f.read(4)
- if not dword_str:
- return
- assert len(dword_str) == 4
- yield struct.unpack('I', dword_str)[0]
- spirv = self.__run_glslc()
- self.dwords = list(dwords(io.BytesIO(spirv)))
- self.assembly = str(self.__run_glslc(['-S']), 'utf-8')
- def dump_c_code(self, f):
- f.write('\n\n')
- prefix = '_anv_glsl_helpers_shader{0}'.format(self.line)
- f.write('/* GLSL Source code:\n')
- for line in self.glsl_source().splitlines():
- f.write(' * ' + line + '\n')
- f.write(' *\n')
- f.write(' * SPIR-V Assembly:\n')
- f.write(' *\n')
- for line in self.assembly.splitlines():
- f.write(' * ' + line + '\n')
- f.write(' */\n')
- f.write('static const uint32_t {0}_spirv_code[] = {{'.format(prefix))
- line_start = 0
- while line_start < len(self.dwords):
- f.write('\n ')
- for i in range(line_start, min(line_start + 6, len(self.dwords))):
- f.write(' 0x{:08x},'.format(self.dwords[i]))
- line_start += 6
- f.write('\n};\n')
- f.write(dedent("""\
- static const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo {0}_info = {{
- .codeSize = sizeof({0}_spirv_code),
- .pCode = {0}_spirv_code,
- }};
- """.format(prefix)))
-token_exp = re.compile(r'(GLSL_VK_SHADER_MODULE|\(|\)|,)')
-class Parser:
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.infile = f
- self.paren_depth = 0
- self.shader = None
- self.line_number = 1
- self.shaders = []
- def tokenize(f):
- leftover = ''
- for line in f:
- pos = 0
- while True:
- m = token_exp.search(line, pos)
- if m:
- if m.start() > pos:
- leftover += line[pos:m.start()]
- pos = m.end()
- if leftover:
- yield leftover
- leftover = ''
- yield m.group(0)
- else:
- leftover += line[pos:]
- break
- self.line_number += 1
- if leftover:
- yield leftover
- self.token_iter = tokenize(self.infile)
- def handle_shader_src(self):
- paren_depth = 1
- for t in self.token_iter:
- if t == '(':
- paren_depth += 1
- elif t == ')':
- paren_depth -= 1
- if paren_depth == 0:
- return
- self.current_shader.add_text(t)
- def handle_macro(self, macro):
- t = next(self.token_iter)
- assert t == '('
- # Throw away the device parameter
- t = next(self.token_iter)
- t = next(self.token_iter)
- assert t == ','
- stage = next(self.token_iter).strip()
- t = next(self.token_iter)
- assert t == ','
- self.current_shader = Shader(stage)
- self.handle_shader_src()
- self.current_shader.finish_text(self.line_number)
- self.shaders.append(self.current_shader)
- self.current_shader = None
- def run(self):
- for t in self.token_iter:
- self.handle_macro(t)
-def open_file(name, mode):
- if name == '-':
- if mode == 'w':
- return sys.stdout
- elif mode == 'r':
- return sys.stdin
- else:
- assert False
- else:
- return open(name, mode)
-def parse_args():
- description = dedent("""\
- This program scrapes a C file for any instance of the
- qoShaderCreateInfoGLSL and qoCreateShaderGLSL macaros, grabs the
- GLSL source code, compiles it to SPIR-V. The resulting SPIR-V code
- is written to another C file as an array of 32-bit words.
- If '-' is passed as the input file or output file, stdin or stdout
- will be used instead of a file on disc.""")
- p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=description,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
- p.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', default='-',
- help='Output to the given file (default: stdout).')
- p.add_argument('--with-glslc', metavar='PATH',
- default='glslc',
- dest='glslc',
- help='Full path to the glslc shader compiler.')
- p.add_argument('infile', metavar='INFILE')
- return p.parse_args()
-args = parse_args()
-infname = args.infile
-outfname = args.outfile
-glslc = args.glslc
-with open_file(infname, 'r') as infile:
- parser = Parser(infile)
- parser.run()
-for shader in parser.shaders:
- shader.compile()
-with open_file(outfname, 'w') as outfile:
- outfile.write(dedent("""\
- /* =========================== DO NOT EDIT! ===========================
- * This file is autogenerated by glsl_scraper.py.
- */
- #include <stdint.h>
- #define _ANV_SPIRV_MODULE_INFO2(_line) _anv_glsl_helpers_shader ## _line ## _info
- #define GLSL_VK_SHADER_MODULE(device, stage, ...) ({ \\
- VkShaderModule __module; \\
- ANV_CALL(CreateShaderModule)(anv_device_to_handle(device), \\
- &__module); \\
- __module; \\
- })
- """))
- for shader in parser.shaders:
- shader.dump_c_code(outfile)