return m
+class TestAssMod(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, width, out_shape, partpoints):
+ self.partpoints = partpoints
+ self.a = PartitionedSignal(partpoints, width)
+ self.ass_out = PartitionedSignal(partpoints, out_shape)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ self.a.set_module(m)
+ self.ass_out.set_module(m)
+ comb += self.ass_out.eq(self.a)
+ return m
class TestAddMod(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, width, partpoints):
self.partpoints = partpoints
+class TestAssign(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test(self):
+ width = 16
+ part_mask = Signal(3) # divide into 4-bits
+ module = TestAssMod(width, width, part_mask)
+ test_name = "part_sig_ass"
+ traces = [part_mask,
+ module.a.lower(),
+ module.ass_out.lower()]
+ sim = create_simulator(module, traces, test_name)
+ # annoying recursive import issue
+ from import get_runlengths
+ def async_process():
+ def test_assop(msg_prefix, *maskbit_list):
+ # define lengths of a test input
+ alen = 16
+ # test values a
+ for a in [0x0001,
+ 0x0010,
+ 0x0100,
+ 0x1000,
+ 0xDCBA,
+ 0xABCD,
+ 0xFFFF,
+ ]:
+ # convert to mask_list
+ mask_list = []
+ for mb in maskbit_list:
+ v = 0
+ for i in range(4):
+ if mb & (1 << i):
+ v |= 0xf << (i*4)
+ mask_list.append(v)
+ # convert a to partitions
+ apart = []
+ ajump = alen // 4
+ for i in range(4):
+ apart.append((a >> (ajump*i) & ((1<<ajump)-1)))
+ print ("apart", hex(a),
+ list(map(hex, apart)))
+ yield module.a.lower().eq(a)
+ yield Delay(0.1e-6)
+ y = 0
+ # work out the runlengths for this mask.
+ # 0b011 returns [1,1,2] (for a mask of length 3)
+ mval = yield part_mask
+ runlengths = get_runlengths(mval, 3)
+ j = 0
+ ai = 0
+ for i in runlengths:
+ # a first
+ for _ in range(i):
+ print ("runlength", i,
+ "ai", ai,
+ "apart", hex(apart[ai]),
+ "j", j)
+ y |= apart[ai] << j
+ print (" y", hex(y))
+ j += ajump
+ ai += 1
+ # check the result
+ outval = (yield module.ass_out.lower())
+ msg = f"{msg_prefix}: assign " + \
+ f"0x{mval:X} 0x{a:X}" + \
+ f" => 0x{y:X} != 0x{outval:X}, masklist %s"
+ # print ((msg % str(maskbit_list)).format(locals()))
+ self.assertEqual(y, outval, msg % str(maskbit_list))
+ yield part_mask.eq(0)
+ yield from test_assop("16-bit", 0b1111)
+ yield part_mask.eq(0b10)
+ yield from test_assop("8-bit", 0b1100, 0b0011)
+ yield part_mask.eq(0b1111)
+ yield from test_assop("4-bit", 0b1000, 0b0100, 0b0010, 0b0001)
+ sim.add_process(async_process)
+ with sim.write_vcd(
+ vcd_file=open(test_name + ".vcd", "w"),
+ gtkw_file=open(test_name + ".gtkw", "w"),
+ traces=traces):
class TestPartitionedSignal(unittest.TestCase):
def test(self):
width = 16
modcount = 0 # global for now
-def PAssign(m, shape, assign, mask):
+def PAssign(m, val, assign, mask):
from ieee754.part_ass.assign import PartitionedAssign # recursion issue
global modcount
modcount += 1
- pc = PartitionedAssign(shape, assign, mask)
+ pc = PartitionedAssign(val.shape(), assign, mask)
setattr(m.submodules, "pass%d" % modcount, pc)
- return pc.output
+ return val.lower().eq(pc.output.lower())