if (other_wire) {
other_wire->port_input = false;
other_wire->port_output = false;
- if (wire->port_input)
- module->connect(other_wire, SigSpec(wire, i));
- else
- module->connect(SigSpec(wire, i), other_wire);
+ if (wire->port_input && other_wire)
+ module->connect(other_wire, SigSpec(wire, i));
+ else
+ // Since we skip POs that are connected to Sx,
+ // re-connect them here
+ module->connect(SigSpec(wire, i), other_wire ? other_wire : SigSpec(RTLIL::Sx));
module abc9_test025(input [3:0] i, output [3:0] o);
abc9_test024_sub a(i[2:1], o[2:1]);
+module abc9_test026(output [3:0] o, p);
+assign o = { 1'b1, 1'bx };
+assign p = { 1'b1, 1'bx, 1'b0 };