The in-place resolve probably has some additional restrictions when not
operating on a super tiled surface. Disable it on non-supertiled surfaces
for now to work around a GPU hang.
Fixes: 78ade659569e ("etnaviv: Do GC3000 resolve-in-place when possible")
Signed-off-by: Lucas Stach <>
Reviewed-by: Christian Gmeiner <>
rs->source_offset == rs->dest_offset &&
rs->source_format == rs->dest_format &&
rs->source_tiling == rs->dest_tiling &&
+ (rs->source_tiling & ETNA_LAYOUT_BIT_SUPER) &&
rs->source_stride == rs->dest_stride &&
!rs->downsample_x && !rs->downsample_y &&
!rs->swap_rb && !rs->flip &&