* git clone microwatt as well
* make hello_world.bin in microwatt and copy it to ls2
* "make microwatt_external_core" in soc and copy external_core_top.v to ls2
-* python3 src/ls2.py arty_a7 hello_world.bin
-* OR python3 src/ls2.py versa_ecp5 hello_world.bin
+* plug in FPGA board (Arty A7-100t, VERSA_ECP5, other)
+* run in 2nd terminal "minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1"
+* python3 src/ls2.py arty_a7 hello_world.bin (for an Arty A7-100t)
+* OR python3 src/ls2.py versa_ecp5 hello_world.bin (for a VERSA_ECP5)