pandecode_log("struct mali_texture_descriptor texture_descriptor_%"PRIx64"_%d_%d = {\n", u, job_no, tex);
- pandecode_prop("width = MALI_POSITIVE(%" PRId16 ")", t->width + 1);
- pandecode_prop("height = MALI_POSITIVE(%" PRId16 ")", t->height + 1);
- pandecode_prop("depth = MALI_POSITIVE(%" PRId16 ")", t->depth + 1);
- pandecode_prop("array_size = MALI_POSITIVE(%" PRId16 ")", t->array_size + 1);
- pandecode_prop("nr_mipmap_levels = %" PRId8, t->nr_mipmap_levels);
struct mali_texture_format f = t->format;
+ /* See the definiton of enum mali_texture_type */
+ unsigned dimension =
+ (f.type == MALI_TEX_CUBE) ? 2 : f.type;
+ /* All four width/height/depth/array_size dimensions are present
+ * regardless of the type of texture, but it is an error to have
+ * non-zero dimensions for unused dimensions. Verify this. array_size
+ * can always be set, as can width. */
+ if (t->height && dimension < 2)
+ pandecode_msg("XXX: nonzero height for <2D texture\n");
+ if (t->depth && dimension < 3)
+ pandecode_msg("XXX: nonzero depth for <2D texture\n");
+ /* Print only the dimensions that are actually there */
+ pandecode_log("dim: %d", t->width + 1);
+ if (dimension >= 2)
+ pandecode_log_cont("x%u", t->height + 1);
+ if (dimension >= 3)
+ pandecode_log_cont("x%u", t->depth + 1);
+ if (t->array_size)
+ pandecode_log_cont("[%u]", t->array_size + 1);
+ pandecode_log_cont("\n");
+ pandecode_prop("nr_mipmap_levels = %" PRId8, t->nr_mipmap_levels);
pandecode_log(".format = {\n");