when Error_In_Regexp =>
Fail ("invalid regular expression """, S, """");
end Check_Regular_Expression;
+ -- Start of processing for Scan_Args
-- First check for --version or --help
Dir_File_Name_Expected := False;
Foreign_Pattern_Expected := False;
Excluded_Pattern_Expected := False;
for Next_Arg in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
Next_Argv : constant String := Argument (Next_Arg);
if Arg'Length > 0 then
- if Project_File_Name_Expected then
- -- -P xxx
+ -- -P xxx
+ if Project_File_Name_Expected then
if Arg (1) = '-' then
Fail ("project file name missing");
Project_File_Name_Expected := False;
end if;
- elsif Pragmas_File_Expected then
- -- -c file
+ -- -c file
+ elsif Pragmas_File_Expected then
File_Set := True;
File_Path := new String'(Arg);
Create_Project := False;
Pragmas_File_Expected := False;
- elsif Directory_Expected then
- -- -d xxx
+ -- -d xxx
+ elsif Directory_Expected then
Add_Source_Directory (Arg);
Directory_Expected := False;
- elsif Dir_File_Name_Expected then
- -- -D xxx
+ -- -D xxx
+ elsif Dir_File_Name_Expected then
Get_Directories (Arg);
Dir_File_Name_Expected := False;
- elsif Foreign_Pattern_Expected then
- -- -f xxx
+ -- -f xxx
+ elsif Foreign_Pattern_Expected then
(Arguments.Table (Arguments.Last).Foreign_Patterns,
new String'(Arg));
Check_Regular_Expression (Arg);
Foreign_Pattern_Expected := False;
- elsif Excluded_Pattern_Expected then
- -- -x xxx
+ -- -x xxx
+ elsif Excluded_Pattern_Expected then
(Arguments.Table (Arguments.Last).Excluded_Patterns,
new String'(Arg));
Check_Regular_Expression (Arg);
Excluded_Pattern_Expected := False;
- elsif Arg = "--and" then
+ -- There must be at least one Ada pattern or one foreign
+ -- pattern for the previous section.
- -- There must be at least one Ada pattern or one foreign
- -- pattern for the previous section.
+ -- --and
+ elsif Arg = "--and" then
if Patterns.Last
(Arguments.Table (Arguments.Last).Name_Patterns) = 0
new String'("."));
end if;
- -- Add another component in table Arguments and initialize
- -- it.
+ -- Add and initialize another component to Arguments table
(Arguments.Table (Arguments.Last).Foreign_Patterns, 0);
+ -- Subdirectory switch
elsif Arg'Length > Subdirs_Switch'Length
and then Arg (1 .. Subdirs_Switch'Length) = Subdirs_Switch
Subdirs :=
new String'(Arg (Subdirs_Switch'Length + 1 .. Arg'Last));
+ -- -c
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-c" then
if File_Set then
Fail ("only one -P or -c switch may be specified");
Create_Project := False;
end if;
+ -- -d
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-d" then
if Arg'Length = 2 then
Directory_Expected := True;
Add_Source_Directory (Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
+ -- -D
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-D" then
if Arg'Length = 2 then
Dir_File_Name_Expected := True;
Get_Directories (Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
+ -- -eL
elsif Arg = "-eL" then
Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files := True;
+ -- -f
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-f" then
if Arg'Length = 2 then
Foreign_Pattern_Expected := True;
Check_Regular_Expression (Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
+ -- -gnatep or -gnateD
elsif Arg'Length > 7 and then
(Arg (1 .. 7) = "-gnatep" or else Arg (1 .. 7) = "-gnateD")
Preprocessor_Switches.Append (new String'(Arg));
+ -- -h
elsif Arg = "-h" then
Usage_Needed := True;
+ -- -p
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-P" then
if File_Set then
Fail ("only one -c or -P switch may be specified");
Create_Project := True;
+ -- -v
elsif Arg = "-v" then
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Very_Verbose := True;
Opt.Verbose_Mode := True;
end if;
+ -- -x
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-x" then
if Arg'Length = 2 then
Excluded_Pattern_Expected := True;
Check_Regular_Expression (Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
+ -- Junk switch starting with minus
elsif Arg (1) = '-' then
Fail ("wrong switch: " & Arg);
+ -- Not a recognized switch, assume file name
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Arg);