//try to make a matches making the body false
Trace("qcf-check-debug") << "Get next match..." << std::endl;
while( qi->getNextMatch( this ) ){
- Trace("qcf-inst") << "*** Produced match at effort " << e << " : " << std::endl;
- qi->debugPrintMatch("qcf-inst");
- Trace("qcf-inst") << std::endl;
- if( !qi->isMatchSpurious( this ) ){
- std::vector< int > assigned;
- if( qi->completeMatch( this, assigned ) ){
- std::vector< Node > terms;
- qi->getMatch( terms );
- bool tcs = qi->isTConstraintSpurious( this, terms );
- if( !tcs ){
- //for debugging
- if( Debug.isOn("qcf-check-inst") ){
- Node inst = d_quantEngine->getInstantiation( q, terms );
- Debug("qcf-check-inst") << "Check instantiation " << inst << "..." << std::endl;
- Assert( !getTermDatabase()->isEntailed( inst, true ) );
- Assert( getTermDatabase()->isEntailed( inst, false ) || e>effort_conflict );
- }
- if( d_quantEngine->addInstantiation( q, terms ) ){
- Trace("qcf-check") << " ... Added instantiation" << std::endl;
- Trace("qcf-inst") << "*** Was from effort " << e << " : " << std::endl;
- qi->debugPrintMatch("qcf-inst");
- Trace("qcf-inst") << std::endl;
- ++addedLemmas;
- if( e==effort_conflict ){
- d_quantEngine->markRelevant( q );
- ++(d_quantEngine->d_statistics.d_instantiations_qcf);
- if( options::qcfAllConflict() ){
- isConflict = true;
- }else{
- d_conflict.set( true );
+ if( d_quantEngine->inConflict() ){
+ Trace("qcf-check") << " ... Quantifiers engine discovered conflict, ";
+ Trace("qcf-check") << "probably related to disequal congruent terms in master equality engine" << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }else{
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << "*** Produced match at effort " << e << " : " << std::endl;
+ qi->debugPrintMatch("qcf-inst");
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << std::endl;
+ if( !qi->isMatchSpurious( this ) ){
+ std::vector< int > assigned;
+ if( qi->completeMatch( this, assigned ) ){
+ std::vector< Node > terms;
+ qi->getMatch( terms );
+ bool tcs = qi->isTConstraintSpurious( this, terms );
+ if( !tcs ){
+ //for debugging
+ if( Debug.isOn("qcf-check-inst") ){
+ Node inst = d_quantEngine->getInstantiation( q, terms );
+ Debug("qcf-check-inst") << "Check instantiation " << inst << "..." << std::endl;
+ Assert( !getTermDatabase()->isEntailed( inst, true ) );
+ Assert( getTermDatabase()->isEntailed( inst, false ) || e>effort_conflict );
+ }
+ if( d_quantEngine->addInstantiation( q, terms ) ){
+ Trace("qcf-check") << " ... Added instantiation" << std::endl;
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << "*** Was from effort " << e << " : " << std::endl;
+ qi->debugPrintMatch("qcf-inst");
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << std::endl;
+ ++addedLemmas;
+ if( e==effort_conflict ){
+ d_quantEngine->markRelevant( q );
+ ++(d_quantEngine->d_statistics.d_instantiations_qcf);
+ if( options::qcfAllConflict() ){
+ isConflict = true;
+ }else{
+ d_conflict.set( true );
+ }
+ break;
+ }else if( e==effort_prop_eq ){
+ d_quantEngine->markRelevant( q );
+ ++(d_quantEngine->d_statistics.d_instantiations_qcf);
+ }else{
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Failed to add instantiation" << std::endl;
+ //this should only happen if the algorithm generates the same propagating instance twice this round
+ //in this case, break to avoid exponential behavior
- }else if( e==effort_prop_eq ){
- d_quantEngine->markRelevant( q );
- ++(d_quantEngine->d_statistics.d_instantiations_qcf);
- Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Failed to add instantiation" << std::endl;
- //this should only happen if the algorithm generates the same propagating instance twice this round
- //in this case, break to avoid exponential behavior
- break;
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Spurious instantiation (match is T-inconsistent)" << std::endl;
+ //clean up assigned
+ qi->revertMatch( this, assigned );
+ d_tempCache.clear();
- Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Spurious instantiation (match is T-inconsistent)" << std::endl;
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Spurious instantiation (cannot assign unassigned variables)" << std::endl;
- //clean up assigned
- qi->revertMatch( this, assigned );
- d_tempCache.clear();
- Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Spurious instantiation (cannot assign unassigned variables)" << std::endl;
+ Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Spurious instantiation (match is inconsistent)" << std::endl;
- }else{
- Trace("qcf-inst") << " ... Spurious instantiation (match is inconsistent)" << std::endl;
Trace("qcf-check") << "Done, conflict = " << d_conflict << std::endl;
- if( d_conflict ){
+ if( d_conflict || d_quantEngine->inConflict() ){
- if( addedLemmas>0 ){
+ if( addedLemmas>0 || d_quantEngine->inConflict() ){
d_util.push_back( d_term_db );
if( options::instPropagate() ){
+ // notice that this option is incompatible with options::qcfAllConflict()
d_inst_prop = new quantifiers::InstPropagator( this );
d_util.push_back( d_inst_prop );
d_inst_notify.push_back( d_inst_prop->getInstantiationNotify() );
for( unsigned j=0; j<d_inst_notify.size(); j++ ){
if( !d_inst_notify[j]->notifyInstantiation( d_curr_effort_level, q, lem, terms, body ) ){
Trace("inst-add-debug") << "...we are in conflict." << std::endl;
- d_conflict = true;
- d_conflict_c = true;
+ setConflict();
Assert( !d_lemmas_waiting.empty() );
d_model->markRelevant( q );
+void QuantifiersEngine::setConflict() {
+ d_conflict = true;
+ d_conflict_c = true;
bool QuantifiersEngine::getInstWhenNeedsCheck( Theory::Effort e ) {
Trace("quant-engine-debug2") << "Get inst when needs check, counts=" << d_ierCounter << ", " << d_ierCounter_lc << std::endl;
//determine if we should perform check, based on instWhenMode