spec = _SelectableInt(value=spec.value, bits=bits)
if vector:
value = ((value << vector_shift) | (spec << spec_shift))
- span = (span + spec_span + ((spec_shift * ('{0}',))))
+ span = (span + spec_span + ((spec_shift * ("{0}",))))
value = ((spec << scalar_shift) | value)
- span = ((spec_shift * ('{0}',)) + spec_span + span)
+ span = ((spec_shift * ("{0}",)) + spec_span + span)
(value, span) = self.sv_spec_leave(value=value, span=span,
origin_value=origin_value, origin_span=origin_span)
value = insn[span]
if verbosity >= Verbosity.VERBOSE:
- span = tuple(map(str, span))
+ span = (tuple(map(str, span)) + ("{0}", "{0}"))
yield f"{indent}{self.name} = EXTS({field} || 0b00))"
yield f"{indent}{indent}{field}"
yield f"{indent}{indent}{indent}{int(value):0{value.bits}b}00"
- yield f"{indent}{indent}{indent}{', '.join(span + ('{0}', '{0}'))}"
+ yield f"{indent}{indent}{indent}{', '.join(span)}"
yield hex(_selectconcat(value,
_SelectableInt(value=0b00, bits=2)).to_signed_int())
operands = ""
if dynamic_operands:
- operands += f" {','.join(dynamic_operands)}"
+ operands += " "
+ operands += ",".join(dynamic_operands)
if static_operands:
- operands += f" ({' '.join(static_operands)})"
+ operands += " "
+ operands += " ".join(static_operands)
return f"{prefix}{record.name}{operands}"
operands = tuple(map(_operator.itemgetter(1),
self.dynamic_operands(db=db, verbosity=verbosity)))
if operands:
- yield f"{blob}{record.name} {','.join(operands)}"
+ operands = ",".join(operands)
+ yield f"{blob}{record.name} {operands}"
yield f"{blob}{record.name}"
# predication - single and twin. use "m=" if same otherwise sm/dm
- sw = dw = predicates.get((int(self.mmode), int(self.mask)))
+ mmode = int(self.mmode)
+ mask = int(self.mask)
+ sw = dw = predicates.get((mmode, mask))
if record.svp64.ptype is _SVPtype.P2:
- sw = predicates.get((int(self.mmode), int(self.smask)))
+ smask = int(self.smask)
+ sw = predicates.get((mmode, smask))
if sw == dw and dw:
- yield "m="+dw
+ yield ("m=" + dw)
if sw:
- yield "sm="+sw
+ yield ("sm=" + sw)
if dw:
- yield "dm="+dw
+ yield ("dm=" + dw)
# elwidths: use "w=" if same otherwise dw/sw
dws = widths.get(int(self.elwidth))
sws = widths.get(int(self.ewsrc))
if dws == sws and dws:
- yield "w="+dws
+ yield ("w=" + dws)
if dws:
- yield "dw="+dws
+ yield ("dw=" + dws)
if sws:
- yield "sw="+sws
+ yield ("sw=" + sws)
yield from super().specifiers(record=record)
-# ********************
-# Normal mode
-# https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/normal/
class NormalBaseRM(NormalLDSTBaseRM):
+ """
+ Normal mode
+ https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/normal/
+ """
prrc0: NormalPRRc0RM
-# ********************
-# LD/ST Immediate mode
-# https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/ldst/
class LDSTImmBaseRM(NormalLDSTBaseRM):
+ """
+ LD/ST Immediate mode
+ https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/ldst/
+ """
prrc0: LDSTImmPRRc0RM
-# ********************
-# LD/ST Indexed mode
-# https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/ldst/
class LDSTIdxBaseRM(NormalLDSTBaseRM):
+ """
+ LD/ST Indexed mode
+ https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/ldst/
+ """
-# ********************
-# CR ops mode
-# https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/cr_ops/
class CROpBaseRM(BaseRM):
+ """
+ CR ops mode
+ https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/cr_ops/
+ """
SNZ: BaseRM[7]
# convert specifiers to /x/y/z
specifiers = list(rm.specifiers(record=record))
if specifiers: # if any add one extra to get the extra "/"
- specifiers = ['']+specifiers
+ specifiers = ([""] + specifiers)
specifiers = "/".join(specifiers)
# convert operands to " ,x,y,z"
operands = tuple(map(_operator.itemgetter(1),
self.dynamic_operands(db=db, verbosity=verbosity)))
- operands = ','.join(operands)
+ operands = ",".join(operands)
if len(operands) > 0: # if any separate with a space
- operands = " " + operands
+ operands = (" " + operands)
yield f"{blob_prefix}{name}{specifiers}{operands}"
if blob_suffix: