# Vector Block Format <a name="vliw-format"></a>
-See ancillary resource: [[vblock_format]]
+The Vector Block format uses the RISC-V 80-192 bit format from Section 1.5
+of the RISC-V Spec. It permits an optional VL/MVL/SUBVL block, up to 4
+16-bit (or 8 8-bit) Register Table entries, the same for Predicate Entries,
+and the rest of the instruction may be either standard RV opcodes or the
+SVPrefix opcodes ([[sv_prefix_proposal]])
+[[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/vblock_table_format" ]]
+For full details see ancillary resource: [[vblock_format]]
# Subsets of RV functionality
Thus, the variable-length format from Section 1.5 of the RISC-V ISA is used
as follows:
-| base+4 ... base+2 | base | number of bits |
-| ------ ----------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------- |
-| ..xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xnnnxxxxx1111111 | (80+16\*nnn)-bit, nnn!=111 |
-| {ops}{Pred}{Reg}{VL Block} | SV Prefix | |
-A suitable prefix, which fits the Expanded Instruction-Length encoding
-for "(80 + 16 times instruction-length)", as defined in Section 1.5
-of the RISC-V ISA, is as follows:
-| 15 | 14:12 | 11:10 | 9:8 | 7 | 6:0 |
-| - | ----- | ----- | ----- | --- | ------- |
-| vlset | 16xil | pplen | rplen | mode | 1111111 |
-The VL/MAXVL/SubVL Block format:
-| 31-30 | 29:28 | 27:22 | 21:17 - 16 |
-| - | ----- | ------ | ------ - - |
-| 0 | SubVL | VLdest | VLEN vlt |
-| 1 | SubVL | VLdest | VLEN |
+[[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/vblock_table_format" ]]
Note: this format is very similar to that used in [[sv_prefix_proposal]]
--- /dev/null
+| base+4 ... base+2 | base | number of bits |
+| ------ ----------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------- |
+| ..xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xnnnxxxxx1111111 | (80+16\*nnn)-bit, nnn!=111 |
+| {ops}{Pred}{Reg}{VL Block} | SV Prefix | |
+A suitable prefix, which fits the Expanded Instruction-Length encoding
+for "(80 + 16 times instruction-length)", as defined in Section 1.5
+of the RISC-V ISA, is as follows:
+| 15 | 14:12 | 11:10 | 9:8 | 7 | 6:0 |
+| - | ----- | ----- | ----- | --- | ------- |
+| vlset | 16xil | pplen | rplen | mode | 1111111 |
+The VL/MAXVL/SubVL Block format:
+| 31-30 | 29:28 | 27:22 | 21:17 - 16 |
+| - | ----- | ------ | ------ - - |
+| 0 | SubVL | VLdest | VLEN vlt |
+| 1 | SubVL | VLdest | VLEN |