| -- | -- | --- | --- | ----- | -------- |--|
| NN | RT | RA | RB | im0-4 | im5-7 00 |0 |
- for i in range(64):
- idx = RT[i] << 2 | RA[i] << 1 | RB[i]
- RT[i] = (imm & (1<<idx)) != 0
+ lut3(imm, a, b, c):
+ idx = c << 2 | b << 1 | a
+ return imm[idx] # idx by LSB0 order
+ for i in range(64):
+ RT[i] = lut3(imm, RB[i], RA[i], RT[i])
bits 21..22 may be used to specify a mode, such as treating the whole integer zero/nonzero and putting 1/0 in the result, rather than bitwise test.