+|0 |6 |11 |13 |15 |17 |19 |21 | 22:25 |26:31 |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | ---- | ----- |
+| PO | SVme |mi0 | mi1 | mi2 | mo0 | mo1 | pst | rsvd | XO |
+* svremap SVme,mi0,mi1,mi2,mo0,mo1,pst
svremap 31, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0
+- `SVme=31`, 5-bit bitmask determines which registers have REMAP applied.
+Bitfields are: `RA|RB|RC|RT|EA/FRS` In this example, all input registers
+(RA, RB, RC) of *any* scalar instruction to follow and output register (RT)
+will have REMAP applied.
+- `mix/mox` fields determine which shape is applied to the activated register
+- `mi0=1`, instruction operand RA has SVSHAPE1 applied to it.
+- `mi1=2`, instruction operand RB has SVSHAPE2 applied to it.
+- `mi2=3`, instruction operand RA has SVSHAPE3 applied to it.
+- `mo0=0`, instruction result RT has SVSHAPE0 applied to it.
+- `mo1=0`, instruction result EA/FRS has SVSHAPE0 applied to it. *(not applicable
+for this example)*
+- `pst=0`, if set, REMAP remains enabled until explicitly disabled, or another
+REMAP, or setvl is setup.
Assigns the configured SVSHAPEs to the relevant operand/result registers
of the consecutive instruction/s (depending on if REMAP is set to persistent).
## Appendix
+### Running the simulator test case
+- Set up the LibreSOC development environment (need to have openpower-isa repo
+setup and installed).
+ $: cd /PATH/TO/src/openpower-isa/src/openpower/decoder/isa/
+ $: python3 test_caller_svp64_matrix.py >& /tmp/f
+(All test cases are enabled by default; extra test cases can be disabled by changing
+`test_` to `tst_` or any other prefix.)
+The simulator dump will be stored as in the temporary directory.
+Particular text strings to to search for:
+- `shape remap` - shows the indices corresponding to the operand and result matrices
+- `flattened X,Y,expected` - shows the expected matrix result which will be used to
+validate the result coming from the simulator.
+- `maddld-matrix` - shows the result matrix element values coming from the simulator.
+These values must match the expect result calculated before the simulator call.
+[[!img mat_mul_sim_results.png size="600x" ]]
[[!tag svp64_cookbook ]]