* two main types:
* - 1D (akin to macro-linear/micro-tiled on older asics)
* - 2D (akin to macro-tiled/micro-tiled on older asics)
- * only 1D tiling is implemented below
#if defined(RADEON_R600)
static inline GLint r600_1d_tile_helper(const struct radeon_renderbuffer * rrb,
return offset;
+static inline GLint r600_log2(GLint n)
+ GLint log2 = 0;
+ while (n >>= 1)
+ ++log2;
+ return log2;
+static inline GLint r600_2d_tile_helper(const struct radeon_renderbuffer * rrb,
+ GLint x, GLint y, GLint is_depth, GLint is_stencil)
+ GLint group_bytes = rrb->group_bytes;
+ GLint num_channels = rrb->num_channels;
+ GLint num_banks = rrb->num_banks;
+ GLint r7xx_bank_op = rrb->r7xx_bank_op;
+ /* */
+ GLint group_bits = r600_log2(group_bytes);
+ GLint channel_bits = r600_log2(num_channels);
+ GLint bank_bits = r600_log2(num_banks);
+ GLint element_bytes = rrb->cpp;
+ GLint num_samples = 1;
+ GLint tile_width = 8;
+ GLint tile_height = 8;
+ GLint tile_thickness = 1;
+ GLint macro_tile_width = num_banks;
+ GLint macro_tile_height = num_channels;
+ GLint pitch_elements = (rrb->pitch / element_bytes) / tile_width;
+ GLint height = rrb->base.Height / tile_height;
+ GLint z = 0;
+ GLint sample_number = 0;
+ /* */
+ GLint tile_bytes;
+ GLint macro_tile_bytes;
+ GLint macro_tiles_per_row;
+ GLint macro_tiles_per_slice;
+ GLint slice_offset;
+ GLint macro_tile_row_index;
+ GLint macro_tile_column_index;
+ GLint macro_tile_offset;
+ GLint pixel_number = 0;
+ GLint element_offset;
+ GLint bank = 0;
+ GLint channel = 0;
+ GLint total_offset;
+ GLint group_mask = (1 << group_bits) - 1;
+ GLint offset_low;
+ GLint offset_high;
+ GLint offset = 0;
+ switch (num_channels) {
+ case 2:
+ default:
+ // channel[0] = x[3] ^ y[3]
+ channel |= (((x >> 3) ^ (y >> 3)) & 1) << 0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // channel[0] = x[4] ^ y[3]
+ channel |= (((x >> 4) ^ (y >> 3)) & 1) << 0;
+ // channel[1] = x[3] ^ y[4]
+ channel |= (((x >> 3) ^ (y >> 4)) & 1) << 1;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // channel[0] = x[5] ^ y[3]
+ channel |= (((x >> 5) ^ (y >> 3)) & 1) << 0;
+ // channel[0] = x[4] ^ x[5] ^ y[4]
+ channel |= (((x >> 4) ^ (x >> 5) ^ (y >> 4)) & 1) << 1;
+ // channel[0] = x[3] ^ y[5]
+ channel |= (((x >> 3) ^ (y >> 5)) & 1) << 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (num_banks) {
+ case 4:
+ // bank[0] = x[3] ^ y[4 + log2(num_channels)]
+ bank |= (((x >> 3) ^ (y >> (4 + channel_bits))) & 1) << 0;
+ if (r7xx_bank_op)
+ // bank[1] = x[3] ^ y[4 + log2(num_channels)] ^ x[5]
+ bank |= (((x >> 4) ^ (y >> (3 + channel_bits)) ^ (x >> 5)) & 1) << 1;
+ else
+ // bank[1] = x[4] ^ y[3 + log2(num_channels)]
+ bank |= (((x >> 4) ^ (y >> (3 + channel_bits))) & 1) << 1;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // bank[0] = x[3] ^ y[5 + log2(num_channels)]
+ bank |= (((x >> 3) ^ (y >> (5 + channel_bits))) & 1) << 0;
+ // bank[1] = x[4] ^ y[4 + log2(num_channels)] ^ y[5 + log2(num_channels)]
+ bank |= (((x >> 4) ^ (y >> (4 + channel_bits)) ^ (y >> (5 + channel_bits))) & 1) << 1;
+ if (r7xx_bank_op)
+ // bank[2] = x[5] ^ y[3 + log2(num_channels)] ^ x[6]
+ bank |= (((x >> 5) ^ (y >> (3 + channel_bits)) ^ (x >> 6)) & 1) << 2;
+ else
+ // bank[2] = x[5] ^ y[3 + log2(num_channels)]
+ bank |= (((x >> 5) ^ (y >> (3 + channel_bits))) & 1) << 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ tile_bytes = tile_width * tile_height * tile_thickness * element_bytes * num_samples;
+ macro_tile_bytes = macro_tile_width * macro_tile_height * tile_bytes;
+ macro_tiles_per_row = pitch_elements / macro_tile_width;
+ macro_tiles_per_slice = macro_tiles_per_row * (height / macro_tile_height);
+ slice_offset = (z / tile_thickness) * macro_tiles_per_slice * macro_tile_bytes;
+ macro_tile_row_index = (y / tile_height) / macro_tile_height;
+ macro_tile_column_index = (x / tile_width) / macro_tile_width;
+ macro_tile_offset = ((macro_tile_row_index * macro_tiles_per_row) + macro_tile_column_index) * macro_tile_bytes;
+ if (is_depth) {
+ GLint pixel_offset = 0;
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 0) & 1) << 0; // pn[0] = x[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 0) & 1) << 1; // pn[1] = y[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 1) & 1) << 2; // pn[2] = x[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 1) & 1) << 3; // pn[3] = y[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 2) & 1) << 4; // pn[4] = x[2]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 2) & 1) << 5; // pn[5] = y[2]
+ switch (element_bytes) {
+ case 2:
+ pixel_offset = pixel_number * element_bytes * num_samples;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ /* stencil and depth data are stored separately within a tile.
+ * stencil is stored in a contiguous tile before the depth tile.
+ * stencil element is 1 byte, depth element is 3 bytes.
+ * stencil tile is 64 bytes.
+ */
+ if (is_stencil)
+ pixel_offset = pixel_number * 1 * num_samples;
+ else
+ pixel_offset = (pixel_number * 3 * num_samples) + 64;
+ break;
+ }
+ element_offset = pixel_offset + (sample_number * element_bytes);
+ } else {
+ GLint sample_offset;
+ switch (element_bytes) {
+ case 1:
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 0) & 1) << 0; // pn[0] = x[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 1) & 1) << 1; // pn[1] = x[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 2) & 1) << 2; // pn[2] = x[2]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 1) & 1) << 3; // pn[3] = y[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 0) & 1) << 4; // pn[4] = y[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 2) & 1) << 5; // pn[5] = y[2]
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 0) & 1) << 0; // pn[0] = x[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 1) & 1) << 1; // pn[1] = x[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 2) & 1) << 2; // pn[2] = x[2]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 0) & 1) << 3; // pn[3] = y[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 1) & 1) << 4; // pn[4] = y[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 2) & 1) << 5; // pn[5] = y[2]
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 0) & 1) << 0; // pn[0] = x[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 1) & 1) << 1; // pn[1] = x[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 0) & 1) << 2; // pn[2] = y[0]
+ pixel_number |= ((x >> 2) & 1) << 3; // pn[3] = x[2]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 1) & 1) << 4; // pn[4] = y[1]
+ pixel_number |= ((y >> 2) & 1) << 5; // pn[5] = y[2]
+ break;
+ }
+ sample_offset = sample_number * (tile_bytes / num_samples);
+ element_offset = sample_offset + (pixel_number * element_bytes);
+ }
+ total_offset = (slice_offset + macro_tile_offset) >> (channel_bits + bank_bits);
+ total_offset += element_offset;
+ offset_low = total_offset & group_mask;
+ offset_high = (total_offset & ~group_mask) << (channel_bits + bank_bits);
+ offset = (bank << (group_bits + channel_bits)) + (channel << group_bits) + offset_low + offset_high;
+ return offset;
/* depth buffers */
static GLubyte *r600_ptr_depth(const struct radeon_renderbuffer * rrb,
GLint x, GLint y)
GLubyte *ptr = rrb->bo->ptr;
- GLint offset = r600_1d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 1, 0);
+ GLint offset;
+ if (rrb->bo->flags & RADEON_BO_FLAGS_MACRO_TILE)
+ offset = r600_2d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 1, 0);
+ else
+ offset = r600_1d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 1, 0);
return &ptr[offset];
GLint x, GLint y)
GLubyte *ptr = rrb->bo->ptr;
- GLint offset = r600_1d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 1, 1);
+ GLint offset;
+ if (rrb->bo->flags & RADEON_BO_FLAGS_MACRO_TILE)
+ offset = r600_2d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 1, 1);
+ else
+ offset = r600_1d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 1, 1);
return &ptr[offset];
if (rrb->has_surface || !(rrb->bo->flags & mask)) {
offset = x * rrb->cpp + y * rrb->pitch;
} else {
- offset = r600_1d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 0, 0);
+ if (rrb->bo->flags & RADEON_BO_FLAGS_MACRO_TILE)
+ offset = r600_2d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 0, 0);
+ else
+ offset = r600_1d_tile_helper(rrb, x, y, 0, 0);
return &ptr[offset];