| -- | -- | --- | --- | --- | ------- |--| ----- |
| NN | RT | RA | RB | RC | mode 010 |Rc| bm* |
| NN | RT | RA | RB | RC | 0 1 111 |Rc| bmrev |
-| NN | | | | | 1 1 111 |Rc| rsvd |
uint_xlen_t bmset(RA, RB, sh)
## GF add
RS = GFADD(RS, RA|0, gfdegree, modulo=RB)
+ RS = GFADDI(RS, RA|0, gfdegree=RC, modulo=RB)
-| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20|21.25| 26..30 |31|
-| -- | -- | --- | --- | --- | ------- |--|
-| NN | RS | RA | RB | deg | 01 011 |Rc|
+| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20|21.25| 26..30 |31| name |
+| -- | -- | --- | --- | --- | ------- |--| ----- |
+| NN | RS | RA | RB | RC | 0 1 011 |Rc| gfadd |
+| NN | RS | RA | RB | RC | 1 1 111 |Rc| gfaddi |
+GFMOD is a pseudo-op where RA=0
## gf invert
return g1
-## GF mod
-modulo arithmetic to ensure a polynomial is in range seems sensible to have.
# bitmatrix