Number of synchronization stages between input and output. The lowest safe number is 2,
with higher numbers reducing MTBF further, at the cost of increased latency.
max_input_delay : None or float
- Maximum delay from the input signal's clock to the first synchronization stage.
+ Maximum delay from the input signal's clock to the first synchronization stage, in seconds.
If specified and the platform does not support it, elaboration will fail.
Platform override
Number of synchronization stages between input and output. The lowest safe number is 2,
with higher numbers reducing MTBF further, at the cost of increased deassertion latency.
max_input_delay : None or float
- Maximum delay from the input signal's clock to the first synchronization stage.
+ Maximum delay from the input signal's clock to the first synchronization stage, in seconds.
If specified and the platform does not support it, elaboration will fail.
Platform override
if ff_sync._max_input_delay is None:
flops[0].attrs["nmigen.vivado.false_path"] = "TRUE"
- flops[0].attrs["nmigen.vivado.max_delay"] = ff_sync._max_input_delay
+ flops[0].attrs["nmigen.vivado.max_delay"] = str(ff_sync._max_input_delay * 1e9)
for i, o in zip((ff_sync.i, *flops), flops):
m.d[ff_sync._o_domain] += o.eq(i)
m.d.comb += ff_sync.o.eq(flops[-1])
if reset_sync._max_input_delay is None:
flops[0].attrs["nmigen.vivado.false_path"] = "TRUE"
- flops[0].attrs["nmigen.vivado.max_delay"] = reset_sync._max_input_delay
+ flops[0].attrs["nmigen.vivado.max_delay"] = str(reset_sync._max_input_delay * 1e9)
for i, o in zip((0, *flops), flops):
m.d.reset_sync += o.eq(i)
m.d.comb += [