This PR is step towards enabling -o raw-benchmark for regressions. It creates a define-fun command for each named term. This allows us to reparse dumped benchmarks containing named terms, but we still lose track of those terms and do not print them in response to (get-assignment) and (get-unsat-core) commands. This PR also simplifies the interface for DefineFunCommand interface and removes support for (define ...) command.
* SyGuS: Removed support for SyGuS-IF 1.0.
-* Removed Java and Python bindings for the legacy API
+* Removed support for the (non-standard) `define` command.
+* Removed Java and Python bindings for the legacy API.
* Interactive shell: the GPL-licensed Readline library has been replaced the
BSD-licensed Editline. Compiling with `--best` now enables Editline, instead
of Readline. Without selecting optional GPL components, Editline-enabled CVC4
slv.mkTerm(kinds.Equal, xp, x))
# define the pre-conditions, transition relations, and post-conditions
- pre_f = slv.defineFun("pre-f", {x}, boolean, slv.mkTerm(kinds.Equal, x, zero))
- trans_f = slv.defineFun("trans-f", {x, xp}, boolean, ite)
- post_f = slv.defineFun("post-f", {x}, boolean, slv.mkTerm(kinds.Leq, x, ten))
+ pre_f = slv.defineFun("pre-f", [x], boolean, slv.mkTerm(kinds.Equal, x, zero))
+ trans_f = slv.defineFun("trans-f", [x, xp], boolean, ite)
+ post_f = slv.defineFun("post-f", [x], boolean, slv.mkTerm(kinds.Leq, x, ten))
# declare the invariant-to-synthesize
inv_f = slv.synthInv("inv-f", {x})
- CVC5_API_CHECK(sort == term.getSort())
+ CVC5_API_CHECK(term.getSort().isSubsortOf(sort))
<< "Invalid sort of function body '" << term << "', expected '" << sort
<< "'";
-Term Solver::defineFun(const Term& fun,
- const std::vector<Term>& bound_vars,
- const Term& term,
- bool global) const
- if (fun.getSort().isFunction())
- {
- std::vector<Sort> domain_sorts = fun.getSort().getFunctionDomainSorts();
- CVC5_API_SOLVER_CHECK_BOUND_VARS_DEF_FUN(fun, bound_vars, domain_sorts);
- Sort codomain = fun.getSort().getFunctionCodomainSort();
- CVC5_API_CHECK(codomain == term.getSort())
- << "Invalid sort of function body '" << term << "', expected '"
- << codomain << "'";
- }
- else
- {
- CVC5_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(bound_vars.size() == 0, fun)
- << "function or nullary symbol";
- }
- //////// all checks before this line
- std::vector<Node> ebound_vars = Term::termVectorToNodes(bound_vars);
- d_slv->defineFunction(*fun.d_node, ebound_vars, *term.d_node, global);
- return fun;
- ////////
Term Solver::defineFunRec(const std::string& symbol,
const std::vector<Term>& bound_vars,
const Sort& sort,
const Sort& sort,
const Term& term,
bool global = false) const;
- /**
- * Define n-ary function.
- * SMT-LIB:
- * \verbatim
- * ( define-fun <function_def> )
- * \endverbatim
- * Create parameter 'fun' with mkConst().
- * @param fun the sorted function
- * @param bound_vars the parameters to this function
- * @param term the function body
- * @param global determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists
- * when popping the context)
- * @return the function
- */
- Term defineFun(const Term& fun,
- const std::vector<Term>& bound_vars,
- const Term& term,
- bool global = false) const;
* Define recursive function.
CVC5_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver) \
<< "Given sort is not associated with this solver"; \
- CVC5_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(sort.isFirstClass(), sort) \
- << "first-class sort as codomain sort"; \
CVC5_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(!sort.isFunction(), sort) \
<< "function sort as codomain sort"; \
} while (0)
long termPointer,
boolean global);
- /**
- * Define n-ary function in the current context.
- * SMT-LIB:
- * {@code
- * ( define-fun <function_def> )
- * }
- * Create parameter 'fun' with mkConst().
- * @param fun the sorted function
- * @param boundVars the parameters to this function
- * @param term the function body
- * @return the function
- */
- public Term defineFun(Term fun, Term[] boundVars, Term term)
- {
- return defineFun(fun, boundVars, term, false);
- }
- /**
- * Define n-ary function.
- * SMT-LIB:
- * {@code
- * ( define-fun <function_def> )
- * }
- * Create parameter 'fun' with mkConst().
- * @param fun the sorted function
- * @param boundVars the parameters to this function
- * @param term the function body
- * @param global determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists
- * when popping the context)
- * @return the function
- */
- public Term defineFun(Term fun, Term[] boundVars, Term term, boolean global)
- {
- long[] boundVarPointers = Utils.getPointers(boundVars);
- long termPointer =
- defineFun(pointer, fun.getPointer(), boundVarPointers, term.getPointer(), global);
- return new Term(this, termPointer);
- }
- private native long defineFun(
- long pointer, long funPointer, long[] boundVarPointers, long termPointer, boolean global);
* Define recursive function in the current context.
- * Class: io_github_cvc5_api_Solver
- * Method: defineFun
- * Signature: (JJ[JJZ)J
- */
-Java_io_github_cvc5_api_Solver_defineFun__JJ_3JJZ(JNIEnv* env,
- jobject,
- jlong pointer,
- jlong funPointer,
- jlongArray jVars,
- jlong termPointer,
- jboolean global)
- Solver* solver = reinterpret_cast<Solver*>(pointer);
- Term* fun = reinterpret_cast<Term*>(funPointer);
- Term* term = reinterpret_cast<Term*>(termPointer);
- std::vector<Term> vars = getObjectsFromPointers<Term>(env, jVars);
- Term* retPointer =
- new Term(solver->defineFun(*fun, vars, *term, (bool)global));
- return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(retPointer);
* Class: io_github_cvc5_api_Solver
* Method: defineFunRec
Sort declareSort(const string& symbol, uint32_t arity) except +
Term defineFun(const string& symbol, const vector[Term]& bound_vars,
Sort sort, Term term, bint glbl) except +
- Term defineFun(Term fun, const vector[Term]& bound_vars, Term term, bint glbl) except +
Term defineFunRec(const string& symbol, const vector[Term]& bound_vars,
Sort sort, Term term, bint glbl) except +
Term defineFunRec(Term fun, const vector[Term]& bound_vars,
sort.csort = self.csolver.declareSort(symbol.encode(), arity)
return sort
- def defineFun(self, sym_or_fun, bound_vars, sort_or_term, t=None, glbl=False):
- """
- Define n-ary function.
- Supports two uses:
- - ``Term defineFun(str symbol, List[Term] bound_vars, Sort sort, Term term, bool glbl)``
- - ``Term defineFun(Term fun, List[Term] bound_vars, Term term, bool glbl)``
+ def defineFun(self, str symbol, list bound_vars, Sort sort, Term term, glbl=False):
+ """Define n-ary function.
:param bound_vars: the parameters to this function
:param sort: the sort of the return value of this function
:param term: the function body
- :param global: determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists when popping the context)
+ :param glbl: determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists when popping the context)
:return: the function
- cdef Term term = Term(self)
+ cdef Term fun = Term(self)
cdef vector[c_Term] v
for bv in bound_vars:
v.push_back((<Term?> bv).cterm)
- if t is not None:
- term.cterm = self.csolver.defineFun((<str?> sym_or_fun).encode(),
- <const vector[c_Term] &> v,
- (<Sort?> sort_or_term).csort,
- (<Term?> t).cterm,
- <bint> glbl)
- else:
- term.cterm = self.csolver.defineFun((<Term?> sym_or_fun).cterm,
- <const vector[c_Term]&> v,
- (<Term?> sort_or_term).cterm,
- <bint> glbl)
- return term
+ fun.cterm = self.csolver.defineFun(symbol.encode(),
+ <const vector[c_Term] &> v,
+ sort.csort,
+ term.cterm,
+ <bint> glbl)
+ return fun
def defineFunRec(self, sym_or_fun, bound_vars, sort_or_term, t=None, glbl=False):
"""Define recursive functions.
- if (solver->getOptionInfo("parse-only").boolValue())
+ // In parse-only mode, we do not invoke any of the commands except define-fun
+ // commands. We invoke define-fun commands because they add function names
+ // to the symbol table.
+ if (solver->getOptionInfo("parse-only").boolValue()
+ && dynamic_cast<DefineFunctionCommand*>(cmd) == nullptr)
return true;
t = PARSER_STATE->mkFlatFunctionType(sorts, t, flattenVars);
+ if (t.isFunction())
+ {
+ t = t.getFunctionCodomainSort();
+ }
if (sortedVarNames.size() > 0)
- // declare the name down here (while parsing term, signature
- // must not be extended with the name itself; no recursion
- // permitted)
- // we allow overloading for function definitions
- api::Term func = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, t, false, true);
- cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionCommand(
- name, func, terms, expr, SYM_MAN->getGlobalDeclarations()));
+ cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionCommand(name, terms, t, expr));
| DECLARE_DATATYPE_TOK datatypeDefCommand[false, cmd]
| DECLARE_DATATYPES_TOK datatypesDefCommand[false, cmd]
if( !flattenVars.empty() ){
expr = PARSER_STATE->mkHoApply( expr, flattenVars );
- cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionRecCommand(
- func, bvs, expr, SYM_MAN->getGlobalDeclarations()));
+ cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionRecCommand(func, bvs, expr));
{ PARSER_STATE->checkThatLogicIsSet();}
"Number of functions defined does not match number listed in "
- cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionRecCommand(
- funcs, formals, func_defs, SYM_MAN->getGlobalDeclarations()));
+ cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionRecCommand(funcs, formals, func_defs));
{ cmd->reset(seq.release()); }
- | DEFINE_TOK { PARSER_STATE->checkThatLogicIsSet(); }
- ( // (define f t)
- { PARSER_STATE->checkUserSymbol(name); }
- term[e,e2]
- {
- api::Term func = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, e.getSort());
- cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionCommand(
- name, func, e, SYM_MAN->getGlobalDeclarations()));
- }
- | // (define (f (v U) ...) t)
- { PARSER_STATE->checkUserSymbol(name); }
- sortedVarList[sortedVarNames] RPAREN_TOK
- { /* add variables to parser state before parsing term */
- Debug("parser") << "define fun: '" << name << "'" << std::endl;
- PARSER_STATE->pushScope();
- terms = PARSER_STATE->bindBoundVars(sortedVarNames);
- }
- term[e,e2]
- {
- PARSER_STATE->popScope();
- // declare the name down here (while parsing term, signature
- // must not be extended with the name itself; no recursion
- // permitted)
- api::Sort tt = e.getSort();
- if( sortedVarNames.size() > 0 ) {
- sorts.reserve(sortedVarNames.size());
- for(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, api::Sort> >::const_iterator
- i = sortedVarNames.begin(), iend = sortedVarNames.end();
- i != iend; ++i) {
- sorts.push_back((*i).second);
- }
- tt = SOLVER->mkFunctionSort(sorts, tt);
- }
- api::Term func = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, tt);
- cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionCommand(
- name, func, terms, e, SYM_MAN->getGlobalDeclarations()));
- }
- )
| // (define-const x U t)
// declare the name down here (while parsing term, signature
// must not be extended with the name itself; no recursion
// permitted)
- api::Term func = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, t);
- cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionCommand(
- name, func, terms, e, SYM_MAN->getGlobalDeclarations()));
+ cmd->reset(new DefineFunctionCommand(name, t, e));
| SIMPLIFY_TOK { PARSER_STATE->checkThatLogicIsSet(); }
// notify that expression was given a name
+ PARSER_STATE->preemptCommand(
+ new DefineFunctionCommand(s, expr.getSort(), expr));
PARSER_STATE->notifyNamedExpression(expr, s);
DECLARE_SORTS_TOK : 'declare-sorts';
DECLARE_FUNS_TOK : 'declare-funs';
DECLARE_PREDS_TOK : 'declare-preds';
-DEFINE_TOK : 'define';
DECLARE_CONST_TOK : 'declare-const';
DEFINE_CONST_TOK : 'define-const';
SIMPLIFY_TOK : 'simplify';
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DefineFunctionCommand::DefineFunctionCommand(const std::string& id,
- api::Term func,
- api::Term formula,
- bool global)
+ api::Sort sort,
+ api::Term formula)
: DeclarationDefinitionCommand(id),
- d_func(func),
- d_formula(formula),
- d_global(global)
+ d_sort(sort),
+ d_formula(formula)
const std::string& id,
- api::Term func,
const std::vector<api::Term>& formals,
- api::Term formula,
- bool global)
+ api::Sort sort,
+ api::Term formula)
: DeclarationDefinitionCommand(id),
- d_func(func),
- d_formula(formula),
- d_global(global)
+ d_sort(sort),
+ d_formula(formula)
-api::Term DefineFunctionCommand::getFunction() const { return d_func; }
const std::vector<api::Term>& DefineFunctionCommand::getFormals() const
return d_formals;
+api::Sort DefineFunctionCommand::getSort() const { return d_sort; }
api::Term DefineFunctionCommand::getFormula() const { return d_formula; }
void DefineFunctionCommand::invoke(api::Solver* solver, SymbolManager* sm)
- if (!d_func.isNull())
- {
- solver->defineFun(d_func, d_formals, d_formula, d_global);
- }
+ bool global = sm->getGlobalDeclarations();
+ api::Term fun =
+ solver->defineFun(d_symbol, d_formals, d_sort, d_formula, global);
+ sm->getSymbolTable()->bind(fun.toString(), fun, global);
d_commandStatus = CommandSuccess::instance();
catch (exception& e)
Command* DefineFunctionCommand::clone() const
- return new DefineFunctionCommand(
- d_symbol, d_func, d_formals, d_formula, d_global);
+ return new DefineFunctionCommand(d_symbol, d_formals, d_sort, d_formula);
std::string DefineFunctionCommand::getCommandName() const
size_t dag,
Language language) const
- TypeNode rangeType = termToNode(d_func).getType();
- if (rangeType.isFunction())
- {
- rangeType = rangeType.getRangeType();
- }
- d_func.toString(),
+ d_symbol,
- rangeType,
+ sortToTypeNode(d_sort),
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- api::Term func,
- const std::vector<api::Term>& formals,
- api::Term formula,
- bool global)
- : d_global(global)
+ api::Term func, const std::vector<api::Term>& formals, api::Term formula)
const std::vector<api::Term>& funcs,
const std::vector<std::vector<api::Term>>& formals,
- const std::vector<api::Term>& formulas,
- bool global)
- : d_funcs(funcs), d_formals(formals), d_formulas(formulas), d_global(global)
+ const std::vector<api::Term>& formulas)
+ : d_funcs(funcs), d_formals(formals), d_formulas(formulas)
- solver->defineFunsRec(d_funcs, d_formals, d_formulas, d_global);
+ bool global = sm->getGlobalDeclarations();
+ solver->defineFunsRec(d_funcs, d_formals, d_formulas, global);
d_commandStatus = CommandSuccess::instance();
catch (exception& e)
Command* DefineFunctionRecCommand::clone() const
- return new DefineFunctionRecCommand(d_funcs, d_formals, d_formulas, d_global);
+ return new DefineFunctionRecCommand(d_funcs, d_formals, d_formulas);
std::string DefineFunctionRecCommand::getCommandName() const
DefineFunctionCommand(const std::string& id,
- api::Term func,
- api::Term formula,
- bool global);
+ api::Sort sort,
+ api::Term formula);
DefineFunctionCommand(const std::string& id,
- api::Term func,
const std::vector<api::Term>& formals,
- api::Term formula,
- bool global);
+ api::Sort sort,
+ api::Term formula);
- api::Term getFunction() const;
const std::vector<api::Term>& getFormals() const;
+ api::Sort getSort() const;
api::Term getFormula() const;
void invoke(api::Solver* solver, SymbolManager* sm) override;
Language language = Language::LANG_AUTO) const override;
- /** The function we are defining */
- api::Term d_func;
/** The formal arguments for the function we are defining */
std::vector<api::Term> d_formals;
+ /** The co-domain sort of the function we are defining */
+ api::Sort d_sort;
/** The formula corresponding to the body of the function we are defining */
api::Term d_formula;
- /**
- * Stores whether this definition is global (i.e. should persist when
- * popping the user context.
- */
- bool d_global;
}; /* class DefineFunctionCommand */
DefineFunctionRecCommand(api::Term func,
const std::vector<api::Term>& formals,
- api::Term formula,
- bool global);
+ api::Term formula);
DefineFunctionRecCommand(const std::vector<api::Term>& funcs,
const std::vector<std::vector<api::Term> >& formals,
- const std::vector<api::Term>& formula,
- bool global);
+ const std::vector<api::Term>& formula);
const std::vector<api::Term>& getFunctions() const;
const std::vector<std::vector<api::Term> >& getFormals() const;
std::vector<std::vector<api::Term> > d_formals;
/** formulas corresponding to the bodies of the functions we are defining */
std::vector<api::Term> d_formulas;
- /**
- * Stores whether this definition is global (i.e. should persist when
- * popping the user context.
- */
- bool d_global;
}; /* class DefineFunctionRecCommand */
def test_define_fun(solver):
bvSort = solver.mkBitVectorSort(32)
- funSort1 = solver.mkFunctionSort([bvSort, bvSort], bvSort)
- funSort2 = solver.mkFunctionSort(solver.mkUninterpretedSort("u"),\
- solver.getIntegerSort())
+ funSort = solver.mkFunctionSort(solver.mkUninterpretedSort("u"),
+ solver.getIntegerSort())
b1 = solver.mkVar(bvSort, "b1")
- b11 = solver.mkVar(bvSort, "b1")
b2 = solver.mkVar(solver.getIntegerSort(), "b2")
- b3 = solver.mkVar(funSort2, "b3")
+ b3 = solver.mkVar(funSort, "b3")
v1 = solver.mkConst(bvSort, "v1")
- v2 = solver.mkConst(solver.getIntegerSort(), "v2")
- v3 = solver.mkConst(funSort2, "v3")
- f1 = solver.mkConst(funSort1, "f1")
- f2 = solver.mkConst(funSort2, "f2")
- f3 = solver.mkConst(bvSort, "f3")
+ v2 = solver.mkConst(funSort, "v2")
solver.defineFun("f", [], bvSort, v1)
solver.defineFun("ff", [b1, b2], bvSort, v1)
- solver.defineFun(f1, [b1, b11], v1)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
solver.defineFun("ff", [v1, b2], bvSort, v1)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun("fff", [b1], bvSort, v3)
+ solver.defineFun("fff", [b1], bvSort, v2)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun("ffff", [b1], funSort2, v3)
+ solver.defineFun("ffff", [b1], funSort, v2)
# b3 has function sort, which is allowed as an argument
solver.defineFun("fffff", [b1, b3], bvSort, v1)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun(f1, [v1, b11], v1)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun(f1, [b1], v1)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun(f1, [b1, b11], v2)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun(f1, [b1, b11], v3)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun(f2, [b1], v2)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- solver.defineFun(f3, [b1], v1)
slv = pycvc5.Solver()
bvSort2 = slv.mkBitVectorSort(32)
(set-logic QF_LIA)
(declare-fun x () Int)
-(define t (not (= x 0)))
+(define-const t Bool (not (= x 0)))
(assert t)
(set-option :global-declarations true)
-(define a true)
-(define (f (b Bool)) b)
+(define-const a Bool true)
+(define-fun f ((b Bool)) Bool b)
(define-const a2 Bool true)
(define-fun a3 () Bool true)
@Test void defineFun() throws CVC5ApiException
Sort bvSort = d_solver.mkBitVectorSort(32);
- Sort funSort1 = d_solver.mkFunctionSort(new Sort[] {bvSort, bvSort}, bvSort);
- Sort funSort2 =
+ Sort funSort =
d_solver.mkFunctionSort(d_solver.mkUninterpretedSort("u"), d_solver.getIntegerSort());
Term b1 = d_solver.mkVar(bvSort, "b1");
- Term b11 = d_solver.mkVar(bvSort, "b1");
Term b2 = d_solver.mkVar(d_solver.getIntegerSort(), "b2");
- Term b3 = d_solver.mkVar(funSort2, "b3");
+ Term b3 = d_solver.mkVar(funSort, "b3");
Term v1 = d_solver.mkConst(bvSort, "v1");
- Term v2 = d_solver.mkConst(d_solver.getIntegerSort(), "v2");
- Term v3 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort2, "v3");
- Term f1 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort1, "f1");
- Term f2 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort2, "f2");
- Term f3 = d_solver.mkConst(bvSort, "f3");
+ Term v2 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort, "v2");
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> d_solver.defineFun("f", new Term[] {}, bvSort, v1));
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> d_solver.defineFun("ff", new Term[] {b1, b2}, bvSort, v1));
- assertDoesNotThrow(() -> d_solver.defineFun(f1, new Term[] {b1, b11}, v1));
CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun("ff", new Term[] {v1, b2}, bvSort, v1));
- CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun("fff", new Term[] {b1}, bvSort, v3));
+ CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun("fff", new Term[] {b1}, bvSort, v2));
- CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun("ffff", new Term[] {b1}, funSort2, v3));
+ CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun("ffff", new Term[] {b1}, funSort2, v2));
// b3 has function sort, which is allowed as an argument
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> d_solver.defineFun("fffff", new Term[] {b1, b3}, bvSort, v1));
- assertThrows(CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun(f1, new Term[] {v1, b11}, v1));
- assertThrows(CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun(f1, new Term[] {b1}, v1));
- assertThrows(CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun(f1, new Term[] {b1, b11}, v2));
- assertThrows(CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun(f1, new Term[] {b1, b11}, v3));
- assertThrows(CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun(f2, new Term[] {b1}, v2));
- assertThrows(CVC5ApiException.class, () -> d_solver.defineFun(f3, new Term[] {b1}, v1));
Solver slv = new Solver();
Sort bvSort2 = slv.mkBitVectorSort(32);
@Test void defineFunGlobal()
Sort bSort = d_solver.getBooleanSort();
- Sort fSort = d_solver.mkFunctionSort(bSort, bSort);
Term bTrue = d_solver.mkBoolean(true);
// (define-fun f () Bool true)
Term f = d_solver.defineFun("f", new Term[] {}, bSort, bTrue, true);
Term b = d_solver.mkVar(bSort, "b");
- Term gSym = d_solver.mkConst(fSort, "g");
// (define-fun g (b Bool) Bool b)
- Term g = d_solver.defineFun(gSym, new Term[] {b}, b, true);
+ Term g = d_solver.defineFun("g", new Term[] {b}, bSort, b, true);
// (assert (or (not f) (not (g true))))
TEST_F(TestApiBlackSolver, defineFun)
Sort bvSort = d_solver.mkBitVectorSort(32);
- Sort funSort1 = d_solver.mkFunctionSort({bvSort, bvSort}, bvSort);
- Sort funSort2 = d_solver.mkFunctionSort(d_solver.mkUninterpretedSort("u"),
- d_solver.getIntegerSort());
+ Sort funSort = d_solver.mkFunctionSort(d_solver.mkUninterpretedSort("u"),
+ d_solver.getIntegerSort());
Term b1 = d_solver.mkVar(bvSort, "b1");
- Term b11 = d_solver.mkVar(bvSort, "b1");
Term b2 = d_solver.mkVar(d_solver.getIntegerSort(), "b2");
- Term b3 = d_solver.mkVar(funSort2, "b3");
+ Term b3 = d_solver.mkVar(funSort, "b3");
Term v1 = d_solver.mkConst(bvSort, "v1");
- Term v2 = d_solver.mkConst(d_solver.getIntegerSort(), "v2");
- Term v3 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort2, "v3");
- Term f1 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort1, "f1");
- Term f2 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort2, "f2");
- Term f3 = d_solver.mkConst(bvSort, "f3");
+ Term v2 = d_solver.mkConst(funSort, "v2");
ASSERT_NO_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("f", {}, bvSort, v1));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("ff", {b1, b2}, bvSort, v1));
- ASSERT_NO_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f1, {b1, b11}, v1));
ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("ff", {v1, b2}, bvSort, v1),
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("fff", {b1}, bvSort, v3), CVC5ApiException);
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("ffff", {b1}, funSort2, v3),
- CVC5ApiException);
+ ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("fff", {b1}, bvSort, v2), CVC5ApiException);
+ ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("ffff", {b1}, funSort, v2), CVC5ApiException);
// b3 has function sort, which is allowed as an argument
ASSERT_NO_THROW(d_solver.defineFun("fffff", {b1, b3}, bvSort, v1));
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f1, {v1, b11}, v1), CVC5ApiException);
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f1, {b1}, v1), CVC5ApiException);
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f1, {b1, b11}, v2), CVC5ApiException);
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f1, {b1, b11}, v3), CVC5ApiException);
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f2, {b1}, v2), CVC5ApiException);
- ASSERT_THROW(d_solver.defineFun(f3, {b1}, v1), CVC5ApiException);
Solver slv;
Sort bvSort2 = slv.mkBitVectorSort(32);
TEST_F(TestApiBlackSolver, defineFunGlobal)
Sort bSort = d_solver.getBooleanSort();
- Sort fSort = d_solver.mkFunctionSort(bSort, bSort);
Term bTrue = d_solver.mkBoolean(true);
// (define-fun f () Bool true)
Term f = d_solver.defineFun("f", {}, bSort, bTrue, true);
Term b = d_solver.mkVar(bSort, "b");
- Term gSym = d_solver.mkConst(fSort, "g");
// (define-fun g (b Bool) Bool b)
- Term g = d_solver.defineFun(gSym, {b}, b, true);
+ Term g = d_solver.defineFun("g", {b}, bSort, b, true);
// (assert (or (not f) (not (g true))))