# This file is Copyright (c) 2017-2018 William D. Jones <thor0505@comcast.net>
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2019 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
# License: BSD
from litex.build import tools
from litex.build.lattice import common
+# IO Constraints (.pcf) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_pcf(named_sc, named_pc):
r = ""
r += "\n" + "\n\n".join(named_pc)
return r
+# Timing Constraints (in pre_pack file) ------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_pre_pack(vns, freq_cstrs):
r = ""
r += """ctx.addClock("{}", {})\n""".format(vns.get_name(sig), freq_cstrs[sig])
return r
+# Yosys/Nextpnr Helpers/Templates ------------------------------------------------------------------
+yosys_template = [
+ "{read_files}",
+ "attrmap -tocase keep -imap keep=\"true\" keep=1 -imap keep=\"false\" keep=0 -remove keep=0",
+ "synth_ice40 {synth_opts} -top {build_name} -json {build_name}.json",
+def _yosys_import_sources(platform):
+ includes = ""
+ reads = []
+ for path in platform.verilog_include_paths:
+ includes += " -I" + path
+ for filename, language, library in platform.sources:
+ reads.append("read_{}{} {}".format(
+ language, includes, filename))
+ return "\n".join(reads)
+def _build_yosys(template, platform, build_name, synth_opts):
+ ys = []
+ for l in template:
+ ys.append(l.format(
+ build_name = build_name,
+ read_files = _yosys_import_sources(platform),
+ synth_opts = synth_opts
+ ))
+ tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".ys", "\n".join(ys))
+def parse_device(device):
+ packages = {
+ "lp384": ["qn32", "cm36", "cm49"],
+ "lp1k": ["swg16tr", "cm36", "cm49", "cm81", "cb81", "qn84", "cm121", "cb121"],
+ "hx1k": ["vq100", "cb132", "tq144"],
+ "lp8k": ["cm81", "cm81:4k", "cm121", "cm121:4k", "cm225", "cm225:4k"],
+ "hx8k": ["bg121", "bg121:4k", "cb132", "cb132:4k", "cm121",
+ "cm121:4k", "cm225", "cm225:4k", "cm81", "cm81:4k",
+ "ct256", "tq144:4k"],
+ "up3k": ["sg48", "uwg30"],
+ "up5k": ["sg48", "uwg30"],
+ }
+ (family, serie, package) = device.split("-")
+ if family not in ["ice40"]:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown device family {}".format(family))
+ if serie not in ["lp384", "lp1k", "hx1k", "lp8k", "hx8k", "up5k"]:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid device serie {}".format(serie))
+ if package not in packages[serie]:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid device package {}".format(package))
+ return (family, serie, package)
+# Script -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+build_template = [
+ "yosys -q -l {build_name}.rpt {build_name}.ys",
+ "nextpnr-ice40 {pnr_pkg_opts} --pcf {build_name}.pcf --json {build_name}.json --asc {build_name}.txt --pre-pack {build_name}_pre_pack.py",
+ "icepack {build_name}.txt {build_name}.bin"
-def _build_script(source, build_template, build_name, **kwargs):
+def _build_script(build_template, build_name, **kwargs):
if sys.platform in ("win32", "cygwin"):
script_ext = ".bat"
build_script_contents = "@echo off\nrem Autogenerated by LiteX / git: " + tools.get_litex_git_revision() + "\n\n"
for s in build_template:
s_fail = s + "{fail_stmt}\n" # Required so Windows scripts fail early.
- build_script_contents += s_fail.format(build_name=build_name,
- fail_stmt=fail_stmt,
- **kwargs)
+ build_script_contents += s_fail.format(build_name=build_name, fail_stmt=fail_stmt, **kwargs)
build_script_file = "build_" + build_name + script_ext
- tools.write_to_file(build_script_file, build_script_contents,
- force_unix=False)
+ tools.write_to_file(build_script_file, build_script_contents,force_unix=False)
return build_script_file
def _run_script(script):
if sys.platform in ("win32", "cygwin"):
shell = ["cmd", "/c"]
if subprocess.call(shell + [script]) != 0:
raise OSError("Subprocess failed")
+# LatticeIceStormToolchain -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class LatticeIceStormToolchain:
attr_translate = {
+ # FIXME: document
"keep": ("keep", "true"),
- "no_retiming": None, # yosys can do retiming via the (non-default)
- # "-retime" option to "synth_ice40", but
- # yosys does not check for an equivalent
- # constraint to prevent retiming on signals.
- "async_reg": None, # yosys has no equivalent, and arachne-pnr
- # wouldn't take advantage of it anyway.
- # While custom attributes are supported in yosys, neither
- # arachne-pnr nor icetime currently can take advantage of them
- # to add fine-grained timing constraints.
- "mr_ff": None, # user-defined attribute
- "mr_false_path": None, # user-defined attribute
- "ars_ff1": None, # user-defined attribute
- "ars_ff2": None, # user-defined attribute
- "ars_false_path": None, # user-defined attribute
- # ice40 does not have a shift register primitive.
+ "no_retiming": None,
+ "async_reg": None,
+ "mr_ff": None,
+ "mr_false_path": None,
+ "ars_ff1": None,
+ "ars_ff2": None,
+ "ars_false_path": None,
"no_shreg_extract": None
special_overrides = common.lattice_ice40_special_overrides
def __init__(self):
- # Variables within replacement fields should be backend-aware and
- # update their syntax accordingly. Currently, only {pnr_pkg_opts}
- # needs this functionality.
- self.yosys_template = [
- "{read_files}",
- "attrmap -tocase keep -imap keep=\"true\" keep=1 -imap keep=\"false\" keep=0 -remove keep=0",
- "synth_ice40 -top {build_name} -blif {build_name}.blif",
- ]
- self.build_template = [
- "yosys -q -l {build_name}.rpt {build_name}.ys",
- "arachne-pnr -q -l {pnr_pkg_opts} -p {build_name}.pcf {build_name}.blif -o {build_name}.txt",
- "icetime {icetime_pkg_opts} -c {freq_constraint} -t -p {build_name}.pcf -r {build_name}.tim {build_name}.txt",
- "icepack {build_name}.txt {build_name}.bin"
- ]
- self.nextpnr_yosys_template = [
- "{read_files}",
- "attrmap -tocase keep -imap keep=\"true\" keep=1 -imap keep=\"false\" keep=0 -remove keep=0",
- "synth_ice40 {synth_opts} -top {build_name} -json {build_name}.json",
- ]
- self.nextpnr_build_template = [
- "yosys -q -l {build_name}.rpt {build_name}.ys",
- "nextpnr-ice40 {pnr_pkg_opts} --pcf {build_name}.pcf --json {build_name}.json --asc {build_name}.txt --pre-pack {build_name}_pre_pack.py",
- "icepack {build_name}.txt {build_name}.bin"
- ]
- self.freq_constraints = dict()
- # platform.device should be of the form "ice40-{lp384, hx1k, etc}-{tq144, etc}"
- def build(self, platform, fragment, build_dir="build", build_name="top",
- toolchain_path=None, use_nextpnr=True, synth_opts="", run=True, **kwargs):
+ self.yosys_template = yosys_template
+ self.build_template = build_template
+ self.clocks = dict()
+ def build(self, platform, fragment,
+ build_dir = "build",
+ build_name = "top",
+ toolchain_path = None,
+ synth_opts = "",
+ run = True,
+ **kwargs):
+ # Create build directory
os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
cwd = os.getcwd()
+ # Finalize design
if not isinstance(fragment, _Fragment):
fragment = fragment.get_fragment()
+ # Generate verilog
v_output = platform.get_verilog(fragment, name=build_name, **kwargs)
named_sc, named_pc = platform.resolve_signals(v_output.ns)
v_file = build_name + ".v"
- if use_nextpnr:
- chosen_yosys_template = self.nextpnr_yosys_template
- else:
- chosen_yosys_template = self.yosys_template
- ys_contents = "\n".join(_.format(build_name=build_name,
- read_files=self.gen_read_files(platform),
- synth_opts=synth_opts)
- for _ in chosen_yosys_template)
- ys_name = build_name + ".ys"
- tools.write_to_file(ys_name, ys_contents)
- tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".pcf",
- _build_pcf(named_sc, named_pc))
- (family, series_size, package) = self.parse_device_string(platform.device)
- if use_nextpnr:
- pnr_pkg_opts = "--" + series_size + " --package " + package
- else:
- pnr_pkg_opts = "-d " + self.get_size_string(series_size) + \
- " -P " + package
- icetime_pkg_opts = "-P " + package + " -d " + series_size
- if use_nextpnr:
- tools.write_to_file(build_name + "_pre_pack.py",
- _build_pre_pack(v_output.ns, self.freq_constraints))
- # icetime can only handle a single global constraint, so we test against the fastest
- # clock; though imprecise, if the global design satisfies the fastest clock, we can
- # be sure all other constraints are satisfied.
- freq_constraint = str(max(self.freq_constraints.values(),
- default=0.0))
- if use_nextpnr:
- chosen_build_template = self.nextpnr_build_template
- else:
- chosen_build_template = self.build_template
- script = _build_script(source=False,
- build_template=chosen_build_template,
- build_name=build_name,
- pnr_pkg_opts=pnr_pkg_opts,
- icetime_pkg_opts=icetime_pkg_opts,
- freq_constraint=freq_constraint)
+ # Generate design io constraints file (.pcf)
+ tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".pcf",_build_pcf(named_sc, named_pc))
+ # Generate design timing constraints file (in pre_pack file)
+ tools.write_to_file(build_name + "_pre_pack.py", _build_pre_pack(v_output.ns, self.clocks))
+ # Generate Yosys script
+ _build_yosys(self.yosys_template, platform, build_name, synth_opts=synth_opts)
+ # Translate device to Nextpnr architecture/package
+ (family, serie, package) = parse_device(platform.device)
+ pnr_pkg_opts = "--" + serie + " --package " + package
+ # Generate build script
+ script = _build_script(self.build_template, build_name, pnr_pkg_opts=pnr_pkg_opts)
+ # Run
if run:
return v_output.ns
- def parse_device_string(self, device_str):
- # Arachne only understands packages based on the device size, but
- # LP for a given size supports packages that HX for the same size
- # doesn't and vice versa; we need to know the device series due to
- # icetime.
- valid_packages = {
- "lp384": ["qn32", "cm36", "cm49"],
- "lp1k": ["swg16tr", "cm36", "cm49", "cm81", "cb81", "qn84",
- "cm121", "cb121"],
- "hx1k": ["vq100", "cb132", "tq144"],
- "lp8k": ["cm81", "cm81:4k", "cm121", "cm121:4k", "cm225",
- "cm225:4k"],
- "hx8k": ["bg121", "bg121:4k", "cb132", "cb132:4k", "cm121",
- "cm121:4k", "cm225", "cm225:4k", "cm81", "cm81:4k",
- "ct256", "tq144:4k"],
- "up3k": ["sg48", "uwg30"],
- "up5k": ["sg48", "uwg30"],
- }
- (family, series_size, package) = device_str.split("-")
- if family not in ["ice40"]:
- raise ValueError("Unknown device family")
- if series_size not in ["lp384", "lp1k", "hx1k", "lp8k", "hx8k", "up5k"]:
- raise ValueError("Invalid device series/size")
- if package not in valid_packages[series_size]:
- raise ValueError("Invalid device package")
- return (family, series_size, package)
- def get_size_string(self, series_size_str):
- return series_size_str[2:]
- def gen_read_files(self, platform):
- incflags = ""
- read_files = list()
- for path in platform.verilog_include_paths:
- incflags += " -I" + path
- for filename, language, library in platform.sources:
- read_files.append("read_{}{} {}".format(language,
- incflags,
- filename))
- return "\n".join(read_files)
def add_period_constraint(self, platform, clk, period):
- new_freq = 1000.0/period
- if clk not in self.freq_constraints.keys():
- self.freq_constraints[clk] = new_freq
- else:
- raise ConstraintError("Period constraint already added to signal.")
+ if clk in self.clocks:
+ raise ValueError("A period constraint already exists")
+ self.clocks[clk] = 1e3/period