StrongSolverTheoryUF::SortModel::SortModel( Node n, context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, StrongSolverTheoryUF* thss ) : d_type( n.getType() ),
d_thss( thss ), d_regions_index( c, 0 ), d_regions_map( c ), d_split_score( c ), d_disequalities_index( c, 0 ),
d_reps( c, 0 ), d_conflict( c, false ), d_cardinality( c, 1 ), d_aloc_cardinality( u, 0 ),
- d_cardinality_assertions( c ), d_hasCard( c, false ){
+ d_cardinality_assertions( c ), d_hasCard( c, false ), d_maxNegCard( c, 0 ){
d_cardinality_term = n;
allocateCardinality( out );
+ if( c>d_maxNegCard.get() ){
+ Trace("uf-ss-com-card-debug") << "Maximum negative cardinality for " << d_type << " is now " << c << std::endl;
+ d_maxNegCard.set( c );
+ }
+Node StrongSolverTheoryUF::SortModel::getCardinalityLiteral( int c ) {
+ return d_cardinality_literal.find( c )!=d_cardinality_literal.end() ? d_cardinality_literal[c] : Node::null();
StrongSolverTheoryUF::StrongSolverTheoryUF(context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, OutputChannel& out, TheoryUF* th) :
-d_out( &out ),
-d_th( th ),
-d_conflict( c, false ),
-d_rep_model_init( c )
+d_out( &out ), d_th( th ), d_conflict( c, false ), d_rep_model(), d_aloc_com_card( u, 0 ), d_com_card_assertions( c )
if( options::ufssColoringSat() ){
d_term_amb = new TermDisambiguator( th->getQuantifiersEngine(), c );
Assert( d_rep_model[tn] );
long nCard = lit[1].getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().getLong();
d_rep_model[tn]->assertCardinality( d_out, nCard, polarity );
+ //check if combined cardinality is violated
+ checkCombinedCardinality();
+ }else if( lit.getKind()==COMBINED_CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT ){
+ d_com_card_assertions[lit] = polarity;
+ if( polarity ){
+ checkCombinedCardinality();
+ }else{
+ bool needsCard = true;
+ for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = d_com_card_literal.begin(); it != d_com_card_literal.end(); ++it ){
+ if( d_com_card_assertions.find( it->second )==d_com_card_assertions.end() || d_com_card_assertions[it->second] ){
+ needsCard = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( needsCard ){
+ allocateCombinedCardinality();
+ }
+ }
if( Trace.isOn("uf-ss-warn") ){
////FIXME: this is too strict: theory propagations are showing up as isDecision=true, but
/** get next decision request */
Node StrongSolverTheoryUF::getNextDecisionRequest(){
+ //request the combined cardinality as a decision literal, if not already asserted
+ int comCard = 0;
+ Node com_lit;
+ do {
+ com_lit = d_com_card_literal.find( comCard )!=d_com_card_literal.end() ? d_com_card_literal[comCard] : Node::null();
+ if( d_com_card_assertions.find( com_lit )==d_com_card_assertions.end() ){
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "Decide on combined cardinality : " << com_lit << std::endl;
+ return com_lit;
+ }
+ comCard++;
+ }while( !com_lit.isNull() );
+ //otherwise, check each individual sort
for( std::map< TypeNode, SortModel* >::iterator it = d_rep_model.begin(); it != d_rep_model.end(); ++it ){
Node n = it->second->getNextDecisionRequest();
if( !n.isNull() ){
void StrongSolverTheoryUF::preRegisterTerm( TNode n ){
+ //initialize combined cardinality
+ initializeCombinedCardinality();
Trace("uf-ss-register") << "Preregister " << n << "." << std::endl;
//shouldn't have to preregister this type (it may be that there are no quantifiers over tn)
TypeNode tn = n.getType();
if( rm ){
rm->initialize( d_out );
d_rep_model[tn] = rm;
- d_rep_model_init[tn] = true;
+ //d_rep_model_init[tn] = true;
Trace("uf-ss-register") << "Already preregistered sort " << tn << "." << std::endl;
+/** initialize */
+void StrongSolverTheoryUF::initializeCombinedCardinality() {
+ if( options::ufssFairness() ){
+ Trace("uf-ss-com-card-debug") << "Initialize combined cardinality" << std::endl;
+ if( d_aloc_com_card.get()==0 ){
+ allocateCombinedCardinality();
+ }
+ }
+/** check */
+void StrongSolverTheoryUF::checkCombinedCardinality() {
+ if( options::ufssFairness() ){
+ int totalCombinedCard = 0;
+ for( std::map< TypeNode, SortModel* >::iterator it = d_rep_model.begin(); it != d_rep_model.end(); ++it ){
+ totalCombinedCard += it->second->getMaximumNegativeCardinality();
+ }
+ Trace("uf-ss-com-card-debug") << "Check combined cardinality, total combined card : " << totalCombinedCard << std::endl;
+ for( int i=0; i<totalCombinedCard; i++ ){
+ if( d_com_card_literal.find( i )!=d_com_card_literal.end() ){
+ Node com_lit = d_com_card_literal[i];
+ if( d_com_card_assertions.find( com_lit )!=d_com_card_assertions.end() && d_com_card_assertions[com_lit] ){
+ //conflict
+ std::vector< Node > conf;
+ conf.push_back( com_lit );
+ int totalAdded = 0;
+ for( std::map< TypeNode, SortModel* >::iterator it = d_rep_model.begin(); it != d_rep_model.end(); ++it ){
+ int c = it->second->getMaximumNegativeCardinality();
+ if( c>0 ){
+ conf.push_back( it->second->getCardinalityLiteral( c ).negate() );
+ totalAdded += c;
+ }
+ if( totalAdded>i ){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Node cc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( AND, conf );
+ Trace("uf-ss-lemma") << "Combined cardinality conflict : " << cc << std::endl;
+ Trace("uf-ss-com-card") << "Combined cardinality conflict : " << cc << std::endl;
+ getOutputChannel().conflict( cc );
+ d_conflict.set( true );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void StrongSolverTheoryUF::allocateCombinedCardinality() {
+ Trace("uf-ss-com-card") << "Allocate combined cardinality (" << d_aloc_com_card.get() << ")" << std::endl;
+ //make node
+ Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( COMBINED_CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( d_aloc_com_card.get() ) ) );
+ Trace("uf-ss-com-card") << "Split on " << lem << std::endl;
+ lem = Rewriter::rewrite(lem);
+ d_com_card_literal[ d_aloc_com_card.get() ] = lem;
+ lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, lem, lem.notNode() );
+ //add as lemma to output channel
+ getOutputChannel().lemma( lem );
+ //require phase
+ getOutputChannel().requirePhase( d_com_card_literal[ d_aloc_com_card.get() ], true );
+ //increment cardinality
+ d_aloc_com_card.set( d_aloc_com_card.get() + 1 );
d_clique_conflicts("StrongSolverTheoryUF::Clique_Conflicts", 0),
d_clique_lemmas("StrongSolverTheoryUF::Clique_Lemmas", 0),
context::CDO< bool > d_hasCard;
/** clique lemmas that have been asserted */
std::map< int, std::vector< std::vector< Node > > > d_cliques;
+ /** maximum negatively asserted cardinality */
+ context::CDO< int > d_maxNegCard;
/** apply totality */
bool applyTotality( int cardinality );
void getRepresentatives( std::vector< Node >& reps );
/** has cardinality */
bool hasCardinalityAsserted() { return d_hasCard; }
+ /** get cardinality literal */
+ Node getCardinalityLiteral( int c );
+ /** get maximum negative cardinality */
+ int getMaximumNegativeCardinality() { return d_maxNegCard.get(); }
//print debug
void debugPrint( const char* c );
/** debug a model */
context::CDO<bool> d_conflict;
/** rep model structure, one for each type */
std::map< TypeNode, SortModel* > d_rep_model;
- /** all types */
- std::vector< TypeNode > d_conf_types;
- /** whether conflict find data structures have been initialized */
- TypeNodeBoolMap d_rep_model_init;
- /** get conflict find */
+ /** get sort model */
SortModel* getSortModel( Node n );
+ /** allocated combined cardinality */
+ context::CDO< int > d_aloc_com_card;
+ /** combined cardinality constraints */
+ std::map< int, Node > d_com_card_literal;
+ /** combined cardinality assertions (indexed by cardinality literals ) */
+ NodeBoolMap d_com_card_assertions;
+ /** initialize */
+ void initializeCombinedCardinality();
+ /** allocateCombinedCardinality */
+ void allocateCombinedCardinality();
+ /** check */
+ void checkCombinedCardinality();
/** term disambiguator */
TermDisambiguator* d_term_amb;
/** debug a model */
void debugModel( TheoryModel* m );
- /** get number of types */
- int getNumCardinalityTypes() { return (int)d_conf_types.size(); }
- /** get type */
- TypeNode getCardinalityType( int i ) { return d_conf_types[i]; }
/** get is in conflict */
bool isConflict() { return d_conflict; }
/** get cardinality for node */