yosys> write_verilog synth.v
-a simmilar synthesis can be performed using yosys command line options only:
+a similar synthesis can be performed using yosys command line options only:
$ ./yosys -o synth.v -p proc -p opt -p techmap -p opt tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
# convert to gate logic
techmap; opt
-If ABC (http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/) is installed and
-a cell library is given in the liberty file mycells.lib, the following
-synthesis script will synthesize for the given cell library:
+If ABC is enabled in the Yosys build configuration and a cell library is given
+in the liberty file mycells.lib, the following synthesis script will synthesize
+for the given cell library:
# the high-level stuff
hierarchy; proc; memory; opt; fsm; opt
- Improve Xilinx FGPA synthesis (RAMB, CARRY4, SLR, etc.)
- Implement SAT-based formal equivialence checker
- - Add x-state support to SAT model generator
- Rewrite freduce pass with input-cone analysis
- Write equiv pass, base hypothesis on input cones
- Implement missing Verilog 2005 features:
- Multi-dimensional arrays
- - ROM modeling using "initial" blocks
+ - ROM modeling using $readmemh/$readmemb in "initial" blocks
- Ignore what needs to be ignored (e.g. drive and charge strengths)
- Check standard vs. implementation to identify missing features
- Add brief source code documentation to most passes and kernel code
- Implement mux-to-tribuf pass and rebalance mixed mux/tribuf trees
- - Add edit commands for changing the design (delete, add, modify objects)
+ - Add more commands for changing the design (delete, add, modify objects)
- Add full support for $lut cell type (const evaluation, sat solving, etc.)
- Smarter resource sharing pass (add MUXes and get rid of duplicated cells)