--- /dev/null
+# pmake
+PMAKE_SOURCE = pmake_$(PMAKE_VERSION).orig.tar.gz
+PMAKE_SITE = http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20120601T033558Z/pool/main/p/pmake
+# No license file. License texts are spread in the boilerplates
+# of each individual source files; some are BSD-3c, some BSD-4c.
+# Vampirise patches from Debian
+PMAKE_PATCH = pmake_1.111-3.2.debian.tar.gz
+# CFLAGS vampirised from Debian's rules, adapted to buildroot variables
+HOST_PMAKE_CFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall -D__COPYRIGHT\(x\)= -D__RCSID\(x\)= -I. \
+ -DMACHINE=\\\"buildroot\\\" \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(@D) -f Makefile.boot CFLAGS="$(HOST_PMAKE_CFLAGS)"
+# The generated file is named bmake, but we want pmake; but:
+# - pmake uses support files (in mk/)
+# - it's not possible to tell pmake, at build-time, where to expect
+# these support files, and pmake expects them in /usr/share/mk/
+# - but pmake has an option to override that search path at runtime
+# - so we install bmake as bmake
+# - and we install a wrapper named pmake that calls pmake with the
+# appropriate search path
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 $(@D)/bmake $(HOST_DIR)/usr/bin/bmake
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(HOST_DIR)/usr/share/pmake/mk
+ for mk in $(@D)/mk/*; do \
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $${mk} $(HOST_DIR)/usr/share/pmake/mk; \
+ done
+ printf '#!/bin/sh\nexec $${0%%/*}/bmake -m $${0%%/pmake}/../../usr/share/pmake/mk "$$@"\n' \
+ >$(HOST_DIR)/usr/bin/pmake
+ chmod 0755 $(HOST_DIR)/usr/bin/pmake
+$(eval $(host-generic-package))