class LiteEthGMIIMIIModeDetection(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self):
- self._reset = CSRStorage()
- self._counter = CSRStatus(32)
- self._mode = CSRStorage()
+ def __init__(self, clk_freq):
self.mode = Signal()
+ self._mode = CSRStatus()
# # #
- # Note:
- # For now mode detection is done with gateware and software.
- # We will probably do it in gateware in the future
- # (we will need to pass clk_freq parameter to PHY)
+ mode = Signal()
+ update_mode = Signal()
+ self.sync += \
+ If(update_mode,
+ self.mode.eq(mode)
+ )
+ self.comb += self._mode.status.eq(self.mode)
# Principle:
# sys_clk >= 125MHz
# eth_rx <= 125Mhz
- # We generate a pulse in eth_rx clock domain that increments
- # a counter in sys_clk domain.
+ # We generate ticks every 1024 clock cycles in eth_rx domain
+ # and measure ticks period in sys_clk domain.
- # Generate a pulse every 4 clock cycles (eth_rx clock domain)
- eth_pulse = Signal()
- eth_counter = Signal(2)
+ # Generate a tick every 1024 clock cycles (eth_rx clock domain)
+ eth_tick = Signal()
+ eth_counter = Signal(10)
self.sync.eth_rx += eth_counter.eq(eth_counter + 1)
- self.comb += eth_pulse.eq(eth_counter == 0)
+ self.comb += eth_tick.eq(eth_counter == 0)
- # Synchronize pulse (sys clock domain)
- sys_pulse = Signal()
+ # Synchronize tick (sys clock domain)
+ sys_tick = Signal()
eth_ps = PulseSynchronizer("eth_rx", "sys")
self.comb += [
- eth_ps.i.eq(eth_pulse),
- sys_pulse.eq(eth_ps.o)
+ eth_ps.i.eq(eth_tick),
+ sys_tick.eq(eth_ps.o)
self.submodules += eth_ps
- # Count pulses (sys clock domain)
- counter = Counter(32)
- self.submodules += counter
- self.comb += [
- counter.reset.eq(,
- counter.ce.eq(sys_pulse)
- ]
- self.comb += self._counter.status.eq(counter.value)
+ # sys_clk domain counter
+ sys_counter = Counter(24)
+ self.submodules += sys_counter
+ fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
+ self.submodules += fsm
- # Output mode
- self.comb += self.mode.eq(
+ fsm.act("IDLE",
+ sys_counter.reset.eq(1),
+ If(sys_tick,
+ NextState("COUNT")
+ )
+ )
+ fsm.act("COUNT",
+ sys_counter.ce.eq(1),
+ If(sys_tick,
+ NextState("DETECTION")
+ )
+ )
+ fsm.act("DETECTION",
+ update_mode.eq(1),
+ # if freq < 125MHz-5% use MII mode
+ If(sys_counter.value > int((clk_freq/125000000)*1024*1.05),
+ mode.eq(1)
+ # if freq >= 125MHz-5% use GMII mode
+ ).Else(
+ mode.eq(0)
+ ),
+ NextState("IDLE")
+ )
class LiteEthPHYGMIIMII(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset=True):
+ def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads, clk_freq, with_hw_init_reset=True):
self.dw = 8
# Note: we can use GMII CRG since it also handles tx clock pad used for MII
- self.submodules.mode_detection = LiteEthGMIIMIIModeDetection()
+ self.submodules.mode_detection = LiteEthGMIIMIIModeDetection(clk_freq)
mode = self.mode_detection.mode
self.submodules.crg = LiteEthPHYGMIICRG(clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset, mode == modes["MII"])
self.submodules.tx = RenameClockDomains(LiteEthPHYGMIIMIITX(pads, mode), "eth_tx")
while(timer0_value_read()) timer0_update_value_write(1);
-void ethreset(void)
+void eth_init(void)
-static int eth_test_frequency(unsigned int freq, unsigned int target, unsigned int margin)
+void eth_mode(void)
- if (freq < (target - margin))
- return 0;
- else if (freq > (target + margin))
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
-int eth_mode_detection(void)
- unsigned int frequency;
- ethphy_mode_detection_reset_write(1);
- busy_wait(1);
- ethphy_mode_detection_reset_write(0);
- busy_wait(1);
- frequency = ethphy_mode_detection_counter_read()*4*10;
- ethphy_mode_detection_reset_write(1);
printf("Ethernet phy mode: ");
- /* 10Mbps */
- if(eth_test_frequency(frequency, 2500000, 1000000)) {
- ethphy_mode_detection_mode_write(1);
- printf("10Mbps (MII)\n");
- return 1;
- /* 100Mbps */
- } else if(eth_test_frequency(frequency, 25000000, 1000000)) {
- ethphy_mode_detection_mode_write(1);
- printf("100Mbps (MII)\n");
- return 1;
- /* 1Gbps */
- } else if(eth_test_frequency(frequency, 125000000, 1000000)) {
- ethphy_mode_detection_mode_write(0);
- printf("1Gbps (GMII)\n");
- return 1;
- /* Failed */
- } else {
- printf("Failed to detect link speed\n");
- return 0;
- }
+ if (ethphy_mode_detection_mode_read())
+ printf("MII");
+ else
+ printf("GMII");
+ printf("\n");
def __init__(self, platform, **kwargs):
BaseSoC.__init__(self, platform, **kwargs)
- self.submodules.ethphy = LiteEthPHY(platform.request("eth_clocks"), platform.request("eth"))
+ self.submodules.ethphy = LiteEthPHY(platform.request("eth_clocks"), platform.request("eth"), clk_freq=self.clk_freq)
self.submodules.ethmac = LiteEthMAC(phy=self.ethphy, dw=32, interface="wishbone")
self.add_wb_slave(mem_decoder(self.mem_map["ethmac"]), self.ethmac.bus)
self.add_memory_region("ethmac", self.mem_map["ethmac"]+self.shadow_address, 0x2000)