Given that arithmetic lemmas can survive the current (sat) context by being buffered in the inference manager, their proofs need to do as well. This PR changes the CAD proofs to be user context dependent.
Fixes cvc5/cvc5-projects#315.
if (d_env.isTheoryProofProducing())
- new CADProofGenerator(context(), d_env.getProofNodeManager()));
+ new CADProofGenerator(userContext(), d_env.getProofNodeManager()));
; COMMAND-LINE: --theoryof-mode=term --nl-icp
; EXPECT: unknown
(set-logic QF_NRA)
+(set-option :check-proofs true)
(declare-fun x () Real)
(declare-fun y () Real)
(assert (and (< 1 y) (= y (+ x (* x x)))))