return result;
-static LLVMValueRef visit_interp(struct ac_nir_context *ctx,
- const nir_intrinsic_instr *instr)
- LLVMValueRef result[4];
- LLVMValueRef interp_param;
- unsigned location;
- unsigned chan;
- LLVMValueRef src_c0 = NULL;
- LLVMValueRef src_c1 = NULL;
- LLVMValueRef src0 = NULL;
- nir_deref_instr *deref_instr = nir_instr_as_deref(instr->src[0].ssa->parent_instr);
- nir_variable *var = nir_deref_instr_get_variable(deref_instr);
- int input_base = ctx->abi->fs_input_attr_indices[var->data.location - VARYING_SLOT_VAR0];
- switch (instr->intrinsic) {
- case nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_centroid:
- location = INTERP_CENTROID;
- break;
- case nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_sample:
- case nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_offset:
- location = INTERP_CENTER;
- src0 = get_src(ctx, instr->src[1]);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (instr->intrinsic == nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_offset) {
- src_c0 = ac_to_float(&ctx->ac, LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder, src0, ctx->ac.i32_0, ""));
- src_c1 = ac_to_float(&ctx->ac, LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder, src0, ctx->ac.i32_1, ""));
- } else if (instr->intrinsic == nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_sample) {
- LLVMValueRef sample_position;
- LLVMValueRef halfval = LLVMConstReal(ctx->ac.f32, 0.5f);
- /* fetch sample ID */
- sample_position = ctx->abi->load_sample_position(ctx->abi, src0);
- src_c0 = LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder, sample_position, ctx->ac.i32_0, "");
- src_c0 = LLVMBuildFSub(ctx->ac.builder, src_c0, halfval, "");
- src_c1 = LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder, sample_position, ctx->ac.i32_1, "");
- src_c1 = LLVMBuildFSub(ctx->ac.builder, src_c1, halfval, "");
- }
- interp_param = ctx->abi->lookup_interp_param(ctx->abi, var->data.interpolation, location);
- if (location == INTERP_CENTER) {
- LLVMValueRef ij_out[2];
- LLVMValueRef ddxy_out = ac_build_ddxy_interp(&ctx->ac, interp_param);
- /*
- * take the I then J parameters, and the DDX/Y for it, and
- * calculate the IJ inputs for the interpolator.
- * temp1 = ddx * offset/sample.x + I;
- * interp_param.I = ddy * offset/sample.y + temp1;
- * temp1 = ddx * offset/sample.x + J;
- * interp_param.J = ddy * offset/sample.y + temp1;
- */
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- LLVMValueRef ix_ll = LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, i, false);
- LLVMValueRef iy_ll = LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, i + 2, false);
- LLVMValueRef ddx_el = LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder,
- ddxy_out, ix_ll, "");
- LLVMValueRef ddy_el = LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder,
- ddxy_out, iy_ll, "");
- LLVMValueRef interp_el = LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder,
- interp_param, ix_ll, "");
- LLVMValueRef temp1, temp2;
- interp_el = LLVMBuildBitCast(ctx->ac.builder, interp_el,
- ctx->ac.f32, "");
- temp1 = ac_build_fmad(&ctx->ac, ddx_el, src_c0, interp_el);
- temp2 = ac_build_fmad(&ctx->ac, ddy_el, src_c1, temp1);
- ij_out[i] = LLVMBuildBitCast(ctx->ac.builder,
- temp2, ctx->ac.i32, "");
- }
- interp_param = ac_build_gather_values(&ctx->ac, ij_out, 2);
- }
- LLVMValueRef attrib_idx = ctx->ac.i32_0;
- while(deref_instr->deref_type != nir_deref_type_var) {
- if (deref_instr->deref_type == nir_deref_type_array) {
- unsigned array_size = glsl_count_attribute_slots(deref_instr->type, false);
- LLVMValueRef offset;
- if (nir_src_is_const(deref_instr->arr.index)) {
- offset = LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, array_size * nir_src_as_uint(deref_instr->arr.index), false);
- } else {
- LLVMValueRef indirect = get_src(ctx, deref_instr->arr.index);
- offset = LLVMBuildMul(ctx->ac.builder, indirect,
- LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, array_size, false), "");
- }
- attrib_idx = LLVMBuildAdd(ctx->ac.builder, attrib_idx, offset, "");
- deref_instr = nir_src_as_deref(deref_instr->parent);
- } else if (deref_instr->deref_type == nir_deref_type_struct) {
- LLVMValueRef offset;
- unsigned sidx = deref_instr->strct.index;
- deref_instr = nir_src_as_deref(deref_instr->parent);
- offset = LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, glsl_get_struct_location_offset(deref_instr->type, sidx), false);
- attrib_idx = LLVMBuildAdd(ctx->ac.builder, attrib_idx, offset, "");
- } else {
- unreachable("Unsupported deref type");
- }
- }
- unsigned attrib_size = glsl_count_attribute_slots(var->type, false);
- for (chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++) {
- LLVMValueRef gather = LLVMGetUndef(LLVMVectorType(ctx->ac.f32, attrib_size));
- LLVMValueRef llvm_chan = LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, chan, false);
- for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < attrib_size; ++idx) {
- LLVMValueRef v, attr_number;
- attr_number = LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, input_base + idx, false);
- if (interp_param) {
- interp_param = LLVMBuildBitCast(ctx->ac.builder,
- interp_param, ctx->ac.v2f32, "");
- LLVMValueRef i = LLVMBuildExtractElement(
- ctx->ac.builder, interp_param, ctx->ac.i32_0, "");
- LLVMValueRef j = LLVMBuildExtractElement(
- ctx->ac.builder, interp_param, ctx->ac.i32_1, "");
- v = ac_build_fs_interp(&ctx->ac, llvm_chan, attr_number,
- ctx->abi->prim_mask, i, j);
- } else {
- v = ac_build_fs_interp_mov(&ctx->ac, LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, 2, false),
- llvm_chan, attr_number, ctx->abi->prim_mask);
- }
- gather = LLVMBuildInsertElement(ctx->ac.builder, gather, v,
- LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, idx, false), "");
- }
- result[chan] = LLVMBuildExtractElement(ctx->ac.builder, gather, attrib_idx, "");
- }
- return ac_build_varying_gather_values(&ctx->ac, result, instr->num_components,
- var->data.location_frac);
static void visit_intrinsic(struct ac_nir_context *ctx,
nir_intrinsic_instr *instr)
result = visit_var_atomic(ctx, instr, ptr, 1);
- case nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_centroid:
- case nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_sample:
- case nir_intrinsic_interp_deref_at_offset:
- result = visit_interp(ctx, instr);
- break;
case nir_intrinsic_load_barycentric_pixel:
result = barycentric_center(ctx, nir_intrinsic_interp_mode(instr));