class ICAP(Module, AutoCSR):
+ Allow sending commands to ICAPE2 of Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs, the bistream can for example be
+ reloaded from SPI Flash by writing 0x00000000 at address @0x4.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, simulation=False):
+ self.addr = CSRStorage(5)
+ = CSRStorage(32)
+ self.send = CSR()
+ self.done = CSRStatus(reset=1)
+ # # #
+ # Create slow icap clk (sys_clk/2) ---------------------------------------------------------
+ self.clock_domains.cd_icap = ClockDomain()
+ icap_clk_counter = Signal(4)
+ self.sync += icap_clk_counter.eq(icap_clk_counter + 1)
+ self.sync += self.cd_icap.clk.eq(icap_clk_counter[3])
+ # Resychronize send pulse to icap domain ---------------------------------------------------
+ ps_send = PulseSynchronizer("sys", "icap")
+ self.submodules += ps_send
+ self.comb += [ps_send.i.eq(]
+ # generate icap bitstream write sequence
+ _csib = Signal(reset=1)
+ _i = Signal(32)
+ _addr = << 13
+ _data =
+ self.sync.icap += [
+ _i.eq(0xffffffff), # dummy
+ timeline(ps_send.o, [
+ (1, [_csib.eq(1), self.done.status.eq(0)]),
+ (2, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (3, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0xaa995566)]), # sync word
+ (4, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (5, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (6, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x30000001 | _addr)]), # write command
+ (7, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(_data)]), # write value
+ (8, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (9, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (10, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x30008001)]), # write to cmd register
+ (11, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x0000000d)]), # desync command
+ (12, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (13, [_csib.eq(0), _i.eq(0x20000000)]), # noop
+ (14, [_csib.eq(1), self.done.status.eq(1)]),
+ ])
+ ]
+ self._csib = _csib
+ self._i = _i
+ # icap instance
+ if not simulation:
+ self.specials += [
+ Instance("ICAPE2",
+ p_ICAP_WIDTH="X32",
+ i_CLK=ClockSignal("icap"),
+ i_CSIB=_csib,
+ i_RDWRB=0,
+ i_I=Cat(*[_i[8*i:8*(i+1)][::-1] for i in range(4)]),
+ )
+ ]
+class ICAPBitstream(Module, AutoCSR):
+ """ICAP
Allow sending bitstreams to ICAPE2 of Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs.
def __init__(self, simulation=False):