rd[i * DESTSUBVL + 0] = rs1[i * SRCSUBVL + elements[0]];
+> ok, i like that idea - adding to TODO list
What is SUBVL and how does it work
SVorig goes to a lot of effort to make VL 1<= MAXVL and MAXVL 1..64
where both CSRs may be stored internally in only 6 bits.
instructions when VL > XLEN. This would allow later implementing register
pairs/triplets/etc. as predicates as an extension.
Is MV.X good enough a substitute for swizzle?
element selectors. MV.X is meant more as a last-resort instruction that is
better than load/store, but worse than everything else.
Is vectorised srcbase ok as a gather scatter and ok substitute for
register stride? 5 dependency registers (reg stride being the 5th)
is quite scary
Why are integer conversion instructions needed, when the main SV spec
covers them by allowing elwidth to be set on both src and dest regs?
Why are the SETVL rules so complex? What is the reason, how are loops
carried out?
> hardcoded MVL baked into the actual hardware.
> That results in loss of flexibility and defeats the purpose of SV.
With SUBVL (sub vector len) being both a CSR and also part of the 48/64
bit opcode, how does that work?
> STATE CSR if needed is a workable compromise that
> does not result in huge CSR proliferation
What are the interaction rules when a 48/64 prefix opcode has a rd/rs
that already has a Vector Context for either predication or a register?
programmer becomes responsible for push and pop of state during use of
a sequence of P48 and P64 ops.
Can bit 60 of P64 be put to use (in all but the FR4 case)?