Given that murxla requires multiple invocations with different arguments for a typical workflow, I found it very helpful to have them recalled whenever I build it.
COMMAND echo ""
COMMAND echo "Run Murxla as follows:"
- COMMAND echo " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/murxla-install/usr/local/lib/ ${MURXLA_BINARY} -t 1 --cvc5"
+ COMMAND echo " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/murxla-install/usr/local/lib/ ${MURXLA_BINARY} -t 1 -d --cvc5"
+ COMMAND echo "Convert traces to SMT-LIB as follows:"
+ COMMAND echo " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/murxla-install/usr/local/lib/ ${MURXLA_BINARY} --smt2 -u <filename>"
\ No newline at end of file