\item http://libre-soc.org/
\item https://nlnet.nl/project/Libre-SOC-OpenPOWER-ISA
\item https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=676
+\item https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1244
\item https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/cookbook/fortran\_maxloc
\item https://libre-soc.org/nlnet/\#faq
--- /dev/null
+# while (i<n)
+setvl 2,0,4,0,1,1 # set MVL=4, VL=MIN(MVL,CTR)
+# while (i<n and a[i]<=m) : i += 1
+sv.cmp/ff=gt/m=ge *0,0,*10,4 # truncates VL to min
+sv.creqv *16,*16,*16 # set mask on already-tested
+setvl 2,0,4,0,1,1 # set MVL=4, VL=MIN(MVL,CTR)
+mtcrf 128, 0 # clear CR0 (in case VL=0?)
+# while (i<n and a[i]>m):
+sv.minmax./ff=le/m=ge/mr 4,*10,4,1 # r4 accumulator
+crternlogi 0,1,2,127 # test greater/equal or VL=0
+sv.crand *19,*16,0 # clear if CR0.eq=0
+# nm = i (count masked bits. could use crweirds here)
+sv.svstep/mr/m=so 1,0,6,1 # svstep: get vector dststep
+sv.creqv *16,*16,*16 # set mask on already-tested
+bc 12,0, -0x40 # CR0 lt bit clear, branch back