c = add_cmd ("rdilogfile", class_maintenance,
- "Set filename for ADP packet log.\n\
-This file is used to log Angel Debugger Protocol packets.\n\
-With a single argument, sets the logfile name to that value.\n\
-Without an argument, shows the current logfile name.\n\
-See also: rdilogenable\n",
- &maintenancelist);
+ "Set filename for ADP packet log.\n"
+ "This file is used to log Angel Debugger Protocol packets.\n"
+ "With a single argument, sets the logfile name to that value.\n"
+ "Without an argument, shows the current logfile name.\n"
+ "See also: rdilogenable\n",
+ &maintenancelist);
set_cmd_completer (c, filename_completer);
add_cmd ("rdilogenable", class_maintenance,
- "Set enable logging of ADP packets.\n\
-This will log ADP packets exchanged between gdb and the\n\
-rdi target device.\n\
-An argument of 1,t,true,y,yes will enable.\n\
-An argument of 0,f,false,n,no will disabled.\n\
-Withough an argument, it will display current state.\n",
+ "Set enable logging of ADP packets.\n"
+ "This will log ADP packets exchanged between gdb and the\n"
+ "rdi target device.\n"
+ "An argument of 1, t, true, y or yes will enable.\n"
+ "An argument of 0, f, false, n or no will disabled.\n"
+ "Withough an argument, it will display current state.\n",
- (add_set_boolean_cmd ("rdiromatzero", no_class, &rom_at_zero,
- "Set target has ROM at addr 0.\n\
-A true value disables vector catching, false enables vector catching.\n\
-This is evaluated at the time the 'target rdi' command is executed\n",
- &setlist),
+ (add_set_boolean_cmd
+ ("rdiromatzero", no_class, &rom_at_zero,
+ "Set target has ROM at addr 0.\n"
+ "A true value disables vector catching, false enables vector catching.\n"
+ "This is evaluated at the time the 'target rdi' command is executed\n",
+ &setlist),
- (add_set_boolean_cmd ("rdiheartbeat", no_class, &rdi_heartbeat,
- "Set enable for ADP heartbeat packets.\n\
-I don't know why you would want this. If you enable them,\n\
-it will confuse ARM and EPI JTAG interface boxes as well\n\
-as the Angel Monitor.\n",
- &setlist),
+ (add_set_boolean_cmd
+ ("rdiheartbeat", no_class, &rdi_heartbeat,
+ "Set enable for ADP heartbeat packets.\n"
+ "I don't know why you would want this. If you enable them,\n"
+ "it will confuse ARM and EPI JTAG interface boxes as well\n"
+ "as the Angel Monitor.\n",
+ &setlist),