Symbiflow toolchain
Required tools:
* ``symbiflow_synth``
* ``symbiflow_pack``
* ``symbiflow_route``
* ``symbiflow_write_fasm``
* ``symbiflow_write_bitstream``
The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
``NMIGEN_ENV_QLSymbiflow``, if present.
Available overrides:
* ``add_constraints``: inserts commands in XDC file.
device = abstractproperty()
- part = abstractproperty()
+ package = abstractproperty()
# Since the QuickLogic version of SymbiFlow toolchain is not upstreamed yet
# we should distinguish the QuickLogic version from mainline one.
-v {% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".v", ".sv", ".vhd", ".vhdl") -%} {{file}} {% endfor %} {{name}}.v
-d {{platform.device}}
-p {{name}}.pcf
- -P {{platform.part}}
+ -P {{platform.package}}
-x {{name}}.xdc
-d {{platform.device}}
-p {{name}}.pcf
-n {{name}}.net
- -P {{platform.part}}
+ -P {{platform.package}}
-s {{name}}.sdc
-f {{name}}.fasm
-d {{platform.device}}
- -P {{platform.part}}
+ -P {{platform.package}}
-b {{name}}.bit