+> https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316727584_A_case_for_standard-cell_based_RAMs_in_highly-ported_superscalar_processor_structures
+well, there is this concept:
+it is a 2-level hierarchy for register cacheing. honestly, though, the
+reservation stations of the tomasulo algorithm are similar to a cache,
+although only of the intermediate results, not of the initial operands.
+i have a feeling we should investigate putting a 2-level register cache
+in front of a multiplexed SRAM.
For GPU workloads FP64 is not common so I think having 1 FP64 alu would
be sufficient. Since indexed loads and stores are not supported, it will
be important to support 4x64 integer operations to generate addresses
* Discussion <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2018-November/000157.html>
* <https://github.com/UCSBarchlab/PyRTL/blob/master/examples/example5-instrospection.py>
* <https://github.com/ataradov/riscv/blob/master/rtl/riscv_core.v#L210>
+* <https://www.eda.ncsu.edu/wiki/FreePDK>