return visit_continue;
+ virtual ir_visitor_status visit_leave(ir_call *ir)
+ {
+ /* Traverse list of function parameters, and for array parameters
+ * propagate max_array_access. Otherwise arrays that are only referenced
+ * from inside functions via function parameters will be incorrectly
+ * optimized. This will lead to incorrect code being generated (or worse).
+ * Do it when leaving the node so the children would propagate their
+ * array accesses first.
+ */
+ const exec_node *formal_param_node = ir->callee->parameters.get_head();
+ if (formal_param_node) {
+ const exec_node *actual_param_node = ir->actual_parameters.get_head();
+ while (!actual_param_node->is_tail_sentinel()) {
+ ir_variable *formal_param = (ir_variable *) formal_param_node;
+ ir_rvalue *actual_param = (ir_rvalue *) actual_param_node;
+ formal_param_node = formal_param_node->get_next();
+ actual_param_node = actual_param_node->get_next();
+ if (formal_param->type->is_array()) {
+ ir_dereference_variable *deref = actual_param->as_dereference_variable();
+ if (deref && deref->var && deref->var->type->is_array()) {
+ deref->var->max_array_access =
+ MAX2(formal_param->max_array_access, deref->var->max_array_access);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return visit_continue;
+ }
virtual ir_visitor_status visit(ir_dereference_variable *ir)
if (hash_table_find(locals, ir->var) == NULL) {