struct conditional<false, _Iftrue, _Iffalse>
{ typedef _Iffalse type; };
+ // __remove_cvref_t (std::remove_cvref_t for C++11).
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __remove_cvref_t
+ = typename remove_cv<typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type>::type;
/// common_type
template<typename... _Tp>
struct common_type;
using __cond_t
= decltype(true ? std::declval<_Tp>() : std::declval<_Up>());
+ // if decay_t<decltype(false ? declval<D1>() : declval<D2>())>
+ // denotes a valid type, let C denote that type.
template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
- static __success_type<typename decay<__cond_t<_Tp, _Up>>::type>
+ static __success_type<__decay_t<__cond_t<_Tp, _Up>>>
+#if __cplusplus > 201703L
+ // Otherwise, if COND-RES(CREF(D1), CREF(D2)) denotes a type,
+ // let C denote the type decay_t<COND-RES(CREF(D1), CREF(D2))>.
+ template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
+ static __success_type<__remove_cvref_t<__cond_t<const _Tp&, const _Up&>>>
+ _S_test_2(int);
template<typename, typename>
static __failure_type
+ _S_test_2(...);
+ template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
+ static decltype(_S_test_2<_Tp, _Up>(0))
return __declval<_Tp>(0);
- // __remove_cvref_t (std::remove_cvref_t for C++11).
- template<typename _Tp>
- using __remove_cvref_t
- = typename remove_cv<typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type>::type;
/// result_of
template<typename _Signature>
class result_of;
{ return __builtin_is_constant_evaluated(); }
+ template<typename _From, typename _To>
+ using __copy_cv = typename __match_cv_qualifiers<_From, _To>::__type;
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ using __cond_res
+ = decltype(false ? declval<_Xp(&)()>()() : declval<_Yp(&)()>()());
+ template<typename _Ap, typename _Bp, typename = void>
+ struct __common_ref_impl
+ { };
+ // [meta.trans.other], COMMON-REF(A, B)
+ template<typename _Ap, typename _Bp>
+ using __common_ref = typename __common_ref_impl<_Ap, _Bp>::type;
+ // If A and B are both lvalue reference types, ...
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ struct __common_ref_impl<_Xp&, _Yp&,
+ __void_t<__cond_res<__copy_cv<_Xp, _Yp>&, __copy_cv<_Yp, _Xp>&>>>
+ { using type = __cond_res<__copy_cv<_Xp, _Yp>&, __copy_cv<_Yp, _Xp>&>; };
+ // let C be remove_reference_t<COMMON-REF(X&, Y&)>&&
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ using __common_ref_C = remove_reference_t<__common_ref<_Xp&, _Yp&>>&&;
+ // If A and B are both rvalue reference types, ...
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ struct __common_ref_impl<_Xp&&, _Yp&&,
+ _Require<is_convertible<_Xp&&, __common_ref_C<_Xp, _Yp>>,
+ is_convertible<_Yp&&, __common_ref_C<_Xp, _Yp>>>>
+ { using type = __common_ref_C<_Xp, _Yp>; };
+ // let D be COMMON-REF(const X&, Y&)
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ using __common_ref_D = __common_ref<const _Xp&, _Yp&>;
+ // If A is an rvalue reference and B is an lvalue reference, ...
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ struct __common_ref_impl<_Xp&&, _Yp&,
+ _Require<is_convertible<_Xp&&, __common_ref_D<_Xp, _Yp>>>>
+ { using type = __common_ref_D<_Xp, _Yp>; };
+ // If A is an lvalue reference and B is an rvalue reference, ...
+ template<typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+ struct __common_ref_impl<_Xp&, _Yp&&>
+ : __common_ref_impl<_Yp&&, _Xp&>
+ { };
+ template<typename _Tp, typename _Up,
+ template<typename> class _TQual, template<typename> class _UQual>
+ struct basic_common_reference
+ { };
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ struct __xref
+ { template<typename _Up> using __type = __copy_cv<_Tp, _Up>; };
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ struct __xref<_Tp&>
+ { template<typename _Up> using __type = __copy_cv<_Tp, _Up>&; };
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ struct __xref<_Tp&&>
+ { template<typename _Up> using __type = __copy_cv<_Tp, _Up>&&; };
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ using __basic_common_ref
+ = typename basic_common_reference<remove_cvref_t<_Tp1>,
+ remove_cvref_t<_Tp2>,
+ __xref<_Tp1>::template __type,
+ __xref<_Tp2>::template __type>::type;
+ template<typename... _Tp>
+ struct common_reference;
+ template<typename... _Tp>
+ using common_reference_t = typename common_reference<_Tp...>::type;
+ // If sizeof...(T) is zero, there shall be no member type.
+ template<>
+ struct common_reference<>
+ { };
+ // If sizeof...(T) is one ...
+ template<typename _Tp0>
+ struct common_reference<_Tp0>
+ { using type = _Tp0; };
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2, int _Bullet = 1, typename = void>
+ struct __common_reference_impl
+ : __common_reference_impl<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Bullet + 1>
+ { };
+ // If sizeof...(T) is two ...
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct common_reference<_Tp1, _Tp2>
+ : __common_reference_impl<_Tp1, _Tp2>
+ { };
+ // If T1 and T2 are reference types and COMMON-REF(T1, T2) is well-formed, ...
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1&, _Tp2&, 1,
+ void_t<__common_ref<_Tp1&, _Tp2&>>>
+ { using type = __common_ref<_Tp1&, _Tp2&>; };
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1&&, _Tp2&&, 1,
+ void_t<__common_ref<_Tp1&&, _Tp2&&>>>
+ { using type = __common_ref<_Tp1&&, _Tp2&&>; };
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1&, _Tp2&&, 1,
+ void_t<__common_ref<_Tp1&, _Tp2&&>>>
+ { using type = __common_ref<_Tp1&, _Tp2&&>; };
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1&&, _Tp2&, 1,
+ void_t<__common_ref<_Tp1&&, _Tp2&>>>
+ { using type = __common_ref<_Tp1&&, _Tp2&>; };
+ // Otherwise, if basic_common_reference<...>::type is well-formed, ...
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1, _Tp2, 2,
+ void_t<__basic_common_ref<_Tp1, _Tp2>>>
+ { using type = __basic_common_ref<_Tp1, _Tp2>; };
+ // Otherwise, if COND-RES(T1, T2) is well-formed, ...
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1, _Tp2, 3,
+ void_t<__cond_res<_Tp1, _Tp2>>>
+ { using type = __cond_res<_Tp1, _Tp2>; };
+ // Otherwise, if common_type_t<T1, T2> is well-formed, ...
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1, _Tp2, 4,
+ void_t<common_type_t<_Tp1, _Tp2>>>
+ { using type = common_type_t<_Tp1, _Tp2>; };
+ // Otherwise, there shall be no member type.
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __common_reference_impl<_Tp1, _Tp2, 5, void>
+ { };
+ // Otherwise, if sizeof...(T) is greater than two, ...
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2, typename... _Rest>
+ struct common_reference<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Rest...>
+ : __common_type_fold<common_reference<_Tp1, _Tp2>,
+ __common_type_pack<_Rest...>>
+ { };
+ // Reuse __common_type_fold for common_reference<T1, T2, Rest...>
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2, typename... _Rest>
+ struct __common_type_fold<common_reference<_Tp1, _Tp2>,
+ __common_type_pack<_Rest...>,
+ void_t<common_reference_t<_Tp1, _Tp2>>>
+ : public common_reference<common_reference_t<_Tp1, _Tp2>, _Rest...>
+ { };
#endif // C++2a
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3. If not see
+// <>.
+// { dg-options "-std=gnu++2a" }
+// { dg-do compile { target c++2a } }
+#include <type_traits>
+template<typename T, typename = void>
+ struct has_type : std::false_type { };
+template<typename T>
+ struct has_type<T, std::void_t<typename T::type>> : std::true_type { };
+template<typename... T>
+constexpr bool
+ return has_type<std::common_reference<T...>>::value;
+using std::is_same_v;
+using std::common_reference_t;
+void test01()
+ static_assert( !has_common_ref<>() );
+ static_assert( !has_common_ref<char(*)(), int(*)()>() );
+ static_assert( !has_common_ref<void*, int>() );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int>, int> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&>, int&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<void>, void> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<const void>, const void> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<const void, void>, void> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<void(*const)(), void(*)()>, void(*)()> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int, int>, int> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&, int>, int> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int, int&>, int> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&&, int>, int> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&, int&>, int&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&, int&&>, const int&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&&, int&>, const int&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&&, int&&>, int&&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&&, const int&&>, const int&&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&, int&, int&&>, const int&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<int&&, int&, int&>, const int&> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<char&, int&>, int> );
+ static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<long&, int&>, long> );
+struct A { };
+struct B { };
+struct C { };
+template<template<typename> class AQual, template<typename> class BQual>
+struct std::basic_common_reference<A, B, AQual, BQual>
+ using type = BQual<AQual<C>>;
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<A, B>, C> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<A&, B>, C&> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<A&, const B>, C&> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<const A, B&>, const C&> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<const A&, B&&>, const C&> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<const A, B&&>, const C&&> );
+struct D { };
+struct E { };
+struct F { };
+template<> struct std::common_type<D, E> { using type = F; };
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<D, E>, F> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<D&, E>, F> );
+static_assert( is_same_v<common_reference_t<D&, E&&>, F> );