With target board unix/-m32 and test-case gdb.mi/mi-disassemble.exp we have:
(gdb) ^M
print/x *((unsigned char *) 0x8048485)^M
&"print/x *((unsigned char *) 0x8048485)\n"^M
~"$9 = 0x83\n"^M
(gdb) ^M
PASS: gdb.mi/mi-disassemble.exp: get valueof "*((unsigned char *) 0x8048485)"
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-disassemble.exp: byte at 0x8048485 matches
The test-case passes with native.
With native we see in gdb.log that variable longest_insn_bytes is:
Longest instruction at 0x0000000000400549 with bytes '48 8b 05 20 01 00 00'
and variable split_bytes (added debug puts) ends up as:
SPLIT_BYTES: 48 8b 05 20 01 00 00
But with unix/-m32 we have longest_insn_byte:
Longest instruction at 0x08048481 with bytes '8d 4c 24 04 '
and split_bytes ends up as:
SPLIT_BYTES: 8d 4c 24 04 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
so the trailing whitespace is translated by split to empty bytes, and the
mismatch FAILs are generated for those.
Fix this by stripping the whitespace, which makes us end up with a different
and indeed longer insn:
Longest instruction at 0x08048492 with bytes 'dd 05 98 85 04 08'
Tested on x86_64-linux, with native and target board unix/-m32.
-re "^~\".. ($::hex) <\[^>\]+>:\\\\t(\[^\\\\\]+)\\\\t\[^\r\n\]+\r\n" {
set addr $expect_out(1,string)
- set bytes $expect_out(2,string)
+ set bytes [string trim $expect_out(2,string)]
if { [string length $bytes] > [string length $longest_insn_bytes] } {
set longest_insn_addr $addr
set longest_insn_bytes $bytes