*** Dependencies
-The following tools and libraries are required to build CVC4. Versions
+The following tools and libraries are required to run CVC4. Versions
given are minimum versions; more recent versions should be compatible.
-Automake v1.11
-Autoconf v2.61
-Libtool v2.2.6
-GMP v4.3
-ANTLR + libantlr3c v3.2
+GMP v4.2
+libantlr3c v3.2
+Optional: CLN v1.3
+*** Build dependencies
+The following tools and libraries are required to build CVC4 from
-CLN v1.2 (NOTE: CLN is a GPL library)
+Automake v1.11
+Autoconf v2.61
+Libtool v2.2
+ANTLR3 v3.2
--- Morgan Deters <mdeters@cs.nyu.edu> Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:28:47 -0500