overlap = s.size() - ret;
- else if (n2[index1].getKind() == kind::STRING_ITOS)
- {
- const std::vector<unsigned>& svec = s.getVec();
- // can remove up to the first occurrence of a digit
- unsigned svsize = svec.size();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < svsize; i++)
- {
- unsigned sindex = r == 0 ? i : (svsize - 1) - i;
- if (String::isDigit(svec[sindex]))
- {
- break;
- }
- else if (sss.empty()) // only if not substr
- {
- // e.g. str.contains( str.++( "a", x ), int.to.str(y) ) -->
- // str.contains( x, int.to.str(y) )
- overlap--;
- }
- }
- }
// inconclusive
d_nm->mkNode(kind::STRING_CONCAT, x, b));
sameNormalForm(eq, f);
+ {
+ // (= (str.++ "A" (int.to.str n)) "A") -/-> false
+ Node eq = d_nm->mkNode(
+ kind::EQUAL,
+ d_nm->mkNode(
+ kind::STRING_CONCAT, a, d_nm->mkNode(kind::STRING_ITOS, n)),
+ a);
+ differentNormalForms(eq, f);
+ }
void testStripConstantEndpoints()
+ TypeNode intType = d_nm->integerType();
+ TypeNode strType = d_nm->stringType();
Node empty = d_nm->mkConst(::CVC4::String(""));
Node a = d_nm->mkConst(::CVC4::String("A"));
+ Node ab = d_nm->mkConst(::CVC4::String("AB"));
+ Node cd = d_nm->mkConst(::CVC4::String("CD"));
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar("x", strType);
+ Node y = d_nm->mkVar("y", strType);
+ Node n = d_nm->mkVar("n", intType);
- // stripConstantEndpoints({ "" }, { "a" }, {}, {}, 0) ---> false
+ // stripConstantEndpoints({ "" }, { "A" }, {}, {}, 0) ---> false
std::vector<Node> n1 = {empty};
std::vector<Node> n2 = {a};
std::vector<Node> nb;
TheoryStringsRewriter::stripConstantEndpoints(n1, n2, nb, ne, 0);
+ {
+ // stripConstantEndpoints({ "A" }, { "A". (int.to.str n) }, {}, {}, 0)
+ // ---> false
+ std::vector<Node> n1 = {a};
+ std::vector<Node> n2 = {a, d_nm->mkNode(kind::STRING_ITOS, n)};
+ std::vector<Node> nb;
+ std::vector<Node> ne;
+ bool res =
+ TheoryStringsRewriter::stripConstantEndpoints(n1, n2, nb, ne, 0);
+ TS_ASSERT(!res);
+ }