Beyond these mappings it becomes necessary to write directly to
the SVSTATE SPRs manually.
+# svshape2 (offset) <a name="svshape2"> </a>
+`svshape2` is an additional convenience instruction that prioritises
+setting `SVSHAPE.offset`. It has similar cap
+ svshape2 offs,inv,yx,rmm,SVd,sk,mm
+| 0.5|6..8|9 |10|11.15 |16..20 | 21..25 | 25 | 26..31| name |
+| -- |----|---|--| --- | ----- | ------ | -- | ------| -------- |
+|OPCD|offs|inv|yx| rmm | SVd | 100/mm | sk | XO | svshape |
+* **offs** (3 bits) - unsigned offset
+* **yx** (1 bit) - swap XY to YX
+* **inv** (1 bit) inverts X if yx=0, Y if yx=1
+* **SVd** dimension size
+* **rmm** REMAP mask
+* **mm** mask mode
+* **sk** (1 bit) skips 1st dimension if set
+Dimensions are calculated exactly as `svindex`. `rmm` and
+`mm` are as per `svindex`.