// Otherwise, it is an uncategorized skolem, must use a fresh variable.
// This case will only apply for terms originating from places with no
- // proof support.
+ // proof support. Note it is not added as a declared variable, instead it
+ // is used as (var N T) throughout.
TypeNode intType = nm->integerType();
TypeNode varType = nm->mkFunctionType({intType, d_sortType}, tn);
Node var = mkInternalSymbol("var", varType);
else if (n.isVar())
+ d_declVars.insert(n);
return mkInternalSymbol(getNameForUserNameOf(n), tn);
+ // must add to declared types
+ const DType& dt = DType::datatypeOf(n.getOperator());
+ d_declTypes.insert(dt.getTypeNode());
// must convert other kinds of apply to functions, since we convert to
Node opc = getOperatorOfTerm(n, true);
else if (tn.getNumChildren() == 0)
+ // an uninterpreted sort, or an uninstantiatied (maybe parametric) datatype
+ d_declTypes.insert(tn);
// special case: tuples must be distinguished by their arity
if (tn.isTuple())
Node op;
+ // note we don't add to declared types here, since the parametric
+ // datatype is traversed and will be declared as a type constructor
// erase first child, which repeats the datatype
targs.erase(targs.begin(), targs.begin() + 1);
types.erase(types.begin(), types.begin() + 1);
else if (k == SORT_TYPE)
+ // Add its uninterpreted sort constructor to the list of declared types.
+ // This is required since the (type) operator is not part of the AST of
+ // the TypeNode.
+ d_declTypes.insert(tn.getUninterpretedSortConstructor());
TypeNode ftype = nm->mkFunctionType(types, d_sortType);
std::string name;
tn.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr(), name);
return id;
+const std::unordered_set<Node>& LfscNodeConverter::getDeclaredSymbols() const
+ return d_declVars;
+const std::unordered_set<TypeNode>& LfscNodeConverter::getDeclaredTypes() const
+ return d_declTypes;
} // namespace proof
} // namespace cvc5::internal
// clear the rules we have warned about
+ // [1] convert assertions to internal and set up assumption map
Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print declarations" << std::endl;
- // [1] compute and print the declarations
- std::unordered_set<Node> syms;
- std::unordered_set<TNode> visited;
std::vector<Node> iasserts;
std::map<Node, size_t> passumeMap;
- std::unordered_set<TypeNode> types;
- std::unordered_set<TNode> typeVisited;
for (size_t i = 0, nasserts = assertions.size(); i < nasserts; i++)
Node a = assertions[i];
- expr::getSymbols(a, syms, visited);
- expr::getTypes(a, types, typeVisited);
// remember the assumption name
passumeMap[a] = i;
d_assumpCounter = assertions.size();
- Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print sorts" << std::endl;
- // [1a] user declared sorts
+ // [2] compute the proof letification
+ Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; compute proof letification" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<const ProofNode*> pletList;
+ std::map<const ProofNode*, size_t> pletMap;
+ computeProofLetification(pnBody, pletList, pletMap);
+ // [3] compute the global term letification and declared symbols and types
+ Trace("lfsc-print-debug")
+ << "; compute global term letification and declared symbols" << std::endl;
+ LetBinding lbind;
+ for (const Node& ia : iasserts)
+ {
+ lbind.process(ia);
+ }
+ // We do a "dry-run" of proof printing here, using the LetBinding print
+ // channel. This pass traverses the proof but does not print it, but instead
+ // updates the let binding data structure for all nodes that appear anywhere
+ // in the proof. It is also important for the term processor for collecting
+ // symbols and types that are used in the proof.
+ LfscPrintChannelPre lpcp(lbind);
+ LetBinding emptyLetBind;
+ std::map<const ProofNode*, size_t>::iterator itp;
+ for (const ProofNode* p : pletList)
+ {
+ itp = pletMap.find(p);
+ Assert(itp != pletMap.end());
+ size_t pid = itp->second;
+ pletMap.erase(p);
+ printProofInternal(&lpcp, p, emptyLetBind, pletMap, passumeMap);
+ pletMap[p] = pid;
+ }
+ // Print the body of the outermost scope
+ printProofInternal(&lpcp, pnBody, emptyLetBind, pletMap, passumeMap);
+ // [4] print declared sorts and symbols
+ // [4a] user declare function symbols
+ // Note that this is buffered into an output stream preambleSymDecl and then
+ // printed after types. We require printing the declared symbols here so that
+ // the set of collected declared types is complete at [4b].
+ Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print user symbols" << std::endl;
+ std::stringstream preambleSymDecl;
+ const std::unordered_set<Node>& syms = d_tproc.getDeclaredSymbols();
+ for (const Node& s : syms)
+ {
+ TypeNode st = s.getType();
+ if (st.isDatatypeConstructor() || st.isDatatypeSelector()
+ || st.isDatatypeTester() || st.isDatatypeUpdater())
+ {
+ // constructors, selector, testers, updaters are defined by the datatype
+ continue;
+ }
+ Node si = d_tproc.convert(s);
+ preambleSymDecl << "(define " << si << " (var "
+ << d_tproc.getOrAssignIndexForVar(s) << " ";
+ printType(preambleSymDecl, st);
+ preambleSymDecl << "))" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // [4b] user declared sorts
+ Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print user sorts" << std::endl;
std::stringstream preamble;
std::unordered_set<TypeNode> sts;
std::unordered_set<size_t> tupleArity;
+ // get the types from the term processor, which has seen all terms occurring
+ // in the proof at this point
+ const std::unordered_set<TypeNode>& types = d_tproc.getDeclaredTypes();
for (const TypeNode& st : types)
// note that we must get all "component types" of a type, so that
// shared selectors are instance of parametric symbol "sel"
preamble << "; END DATATYPE " << std::endl;
- Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print user symbols" << std::endl;
- // [1b] user declare function symbols
- for (const Node& s : syms)
- {
- TypeNode st = s.getType();
- if (st.isDatatypeConstructor() || st.isDatatypeSelector()
- || st.isDatatypeTester() || st.isDatatypeUpdater())
- {
- // constructors, selector, testers, updaters are defined by the datatype
- continue;
- }
- Node si = d_tproc.convert(s);
- preamble << "(define " << si << " (var "
- << d_tproc.getOrAssignIndexForVar(s) << " ";
- printType(preamble, st);
- preamble << "))" << std::endl;
- }
- Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; compute proof letification" << std::endl;
- // [2] compute the proof letification
- std::vector<const ProofNode*> pletList;
- std::map<const ProofNode*, size_t> pletMap;
- computeProofLetification(pnBody, pletList, pletMap);
- Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; compute term lets" << std::endl;
- // compute the term lets
- LetBinding lbind;
- for (const Node& ia : iasserts)
- {
- lbind.process(ia);
- }
- // We do a "dry-run" of proof printing here, using the LetBinding print
- // channel. This pass traverses the proof but does not print it, but instead
- // updates the let binding data structure for all nodes that appear anywhere
- // in the proof.
- LfscPrintChannelPre lpcp(lbind);
- LetBinding emptyLetBind;
- std::map<const ProofNode*, size_t>::iterator itp;
- for (const ProofNode* p : pletList)
- {
- itp = pletMap.find(p);
- Assert(itp != pletMap.end());
- size_t pid = itp->second;
- pletMap.erase(p);
- printProofInternal(&lpcp, p, emptyLetBind, pletMap, passumeMap);
- pletMap[p] = pid;
- }
- // Print the body of the outermost scope
- printProofInternal(&lpcp, pnBody, emptyLetBind, pletMap, passumeMap);
+ // [4c] user declared function symbols
+ preamble << preambleSymDecl.str();
- // [3] print warnings
+ // [5] print warnings
for (PfRule r : d_trustWarned)
out << "; WARNING: adding trust step for " << r << std::endl;
- // [4] print the DSL rewrite rule declarations
+ // [6] print the DSL rewrite rule declarations
// TODO cvc5-projects #285.
- // [5] print the check command and term lets
+ // [7] print the check command and term lets
out << preamble.str();
out << "(check" << std::endl;
cparen << ")";
printLetList(out, cparen, lbind);
Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print asserts" << std::endl;
- // [6] print the assertions, with letification
+ // [8] print the assertions, with letification
// the assumption identifier mapping
for (size_t i = 0, nasserts = iasserts.size(); i < nasserts; i++)
Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print annotation" << std::endl;
- // [7] print the annotation
+ // [9] print the annotation
out << "(: (holds false)" << std::endl;
cparen << ")";
Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print proof body" << std::endl;
- // [8] print the proof body
+ // [10] print the proof body
Assert(pn->getRule() == PfRule::SCOPE);
// the outermost scope can be ignored (it is the scope of the assertions,
// which are already printed above).
LfscPrintChannelOut lout(out);
printProofLetify(&lout, pnBody, lbind, pletList, pletMap, passumeMap);
+ // [11] print closing parantheses
out << cparen.str() << std::endl;
else if (tn.isDatatype())
- const DType& dt = tn.getDType();
if (tn.getKind() == PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE)
// skip the instance of a parametric datatype
+ const DType& dt = tn.getDType();
if (dt.isTuple())
const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[0];