+SUBVL=2, vd, vs; SUBVL=1, beta.
* CORDIC.lin.rot vd, vs, beta
* CORDIC.cir.rot vd, vs, beta
## Vector cross product
+SUBVL=2,3,4 all regs
* VCROSS vd, vs1, vs1
Result is the cross product of x and y, i.e., the resulting components are, in order:
## Vector dot product
+* SUBVL=1, rd SUBVL=2,3,4 vs1,vs2
+* rd=scalar, SUBVL=default, vs1, vs2=vec
* VDOT rd, vs1, vs2
Computes the dot product of two vectors. Internal accuracy must be
## Vector length
+* rd=scalar, vs1=vec (SUBVL=default)
+* rd=scalar, vs1=vec (SUBVL=2,3,4) only 1
+* rd=vec, SUBVL=1; vs1=vec, SUBVL=any
* VLEN rd, vs1
The scalar length of a vector: