+ if (!keepdc && cell->type.in("$div", "$mod"))
+ {
+ bool b_signed = cell->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"].as_bool();
+ SigSpec sig_b = assign_map(cell->getPort("\\B"));
+ SigSpec sig_y = assign_map(cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ if (sig_b.is_fully_def() && sig_b.size() <= 32)
+ {
+ int b_val = sig_b.as_int();
+ if (b_val == 0)
+ {
+ cover("opt.opt_expr.divmod_zero");
+ log("Replacing divide-by-zero cell `%s' in module `%s' with undef-driver.\n",
+ cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
+ module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(sig_y, RTLIL::SigSpec(State::Sx, sig_y.size())));
+ module->remove(cell);
+ did_something = true;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i < (b_signed ? sig_b.size()-1 : sig_b.size()); i++)
+ if (b_val == (1 << i))
+ {
+ if (cell->type == "$div")
+ {
+ cover("opt.opt_expr.div_shift");
+ log("Replacing divide-by-%d cell `%s' in module `%s' with shift-by-%d.\n",
+ b_val, cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> new_b = RTLIL::SigSpec(i, 6);
+ while (GetSize(new_b) > 1 && new_b.back() == RTLIL::State::S0)
+ new_b.pop_back();
+ cell->type = "$shr";
+ cell->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = GetSize(new_b);
+ cell->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = false;
+ cell->setPort("\\B", new_b);
+ cell->check();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cover("opt.opt_expr.mod_mask");
+ log("Replacing modulo-by-%d cell `%s' in module `%s' with bitmask.\n",
+ b_val, cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> new_b = RTLIL::SigSpec(State::S1, i);
+ if (b_signed)
+ new_b.push_back(State::S0);
+ cell->type = "$and";
+ cell->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = GetSize(new_b);
+ cell->setPort("\\B", new_b);
+ cell->check();
+ }
+ did_something = true;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ }
+ }
#undef ACTION_DO
#undef ACTION_DO_Y