Expand the range of SUBVL and its associated svsrcoffs and svdestoffs by
adding a 2nd STATE CSR (or extending STATE to 64 bits). Future version?
+TODO: evaluate - BRIEFLY (under 1 hour MAXIMUM) - why these rules exist,
+by illustrating with pseudo-assembly DAXPY
+1. Trap if imm > XLEN.
+2. If rs1 is x0, then
+ 1. Set VL to imm.
+3. Else If regs[rs1] > 2 * imm, then
+ 1. Set VL to XLEN.
+4. Else If regs[rs1] > imm, then
+ 1. Set VL to regs[rs1] / 2 rounded down.
+5. Otherwise,
+ 1. Set VL to regs[rs1].
+6. Set regs[rd] to VL.
+TODO: adapt to the above rules.
+ # a0 is n, a1 is pointer to x[0], a2 is pointer to y[0], fa0 is a
+ 0: li t0, 2<<25
+ 4: vsetdcfg t0 # enable 2 64b Fl.Pt. registers
+ loop:
+ 8: setvl t0, a0 # vl = t0 = min(mvl, n)
+ c: vld v0, a1 # load vector x
+ 10: slli t1, t0, 3 # t1 = vl * 8 (in bytes)
+ 14: vld v1, a2 # load vector y
+ 18: add a1, a1, t1 # increment pointer to x by vl*8
+ 1c: vfmadd v1, v0, fa0, v1 # v1 += v0 * fa0 (y = a * x + y)
+ 20: sub a0, a0, t0 # n -= vl (t0)
+ 24: vst v1, a2 # store Y
+ 28: add a2, a2, t1 # increment pointer to y by vl*8
+ 2c: bnez a0, loop # repeat if n != 0
+ 30: ret # return