This adds another step to our CI pipeline that uploads the binary build by some of the jobs to a release.
--- /dev/null
+name: Add binary to release
+description: Add cvc5 binary to the current release
+ github-token:
+ description: token to upload binary
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - name: Rename binaries for release
+ run: |
+ cp build/bin/cvc5 cvc5-${{ runner.os }}
+ - name: Add binaries to release
+ uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
+ with:
+ token: ${{ inputs.github-token }}
+ files: cvc5-*
python-bindings: true
build-documentation: true
check-examples: true
+ store-to-release: true
exclude_regress: 3-4
run_regression_args: --no-check-unsat-cores --no-check-proofs
cache-key: production
python-bindings: true
check-examples: true
+ store-to-release: true
exclude_regress: 3-4
run_regression_args: --no-check-unsat-cores --no-check-proofs
name: documentation
path: build/docs/sphinx-gh/
+ - name: Add binary to release
+ if: && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
+ uses: ./.github/actions/add-to-release
+ with:
+ github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}